[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]
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To include graphics, use the \includegraphics command (provided by the graphicx package) inside figure environment. The arguments to figure specify where the space will be made, preferentially

h here
t top of page
b bottom of page
p on a page with no text

   \caption{1 cm of space}

Figure 1: 1 cm of space

Putting ! as the first argument in the square brackets will encourage LATEX to do what you say, even if the result's sub-optimal.

If you have a label defined in the caption, LATEX may give an error message. \label is a fragile command (see the LATEX book for details) so you'll need to do something like

\caption{1 cm of space\protect\label{EMPTY}}
or simply put the \label command after the caption. Note that if you put the \label before the caption, the resulting reference will be the section number and not the figure number. See the LATEX Maths and Graphics document for more details.

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Tim Love