[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]
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Listing Items

The items can be marked in one of three way:
\item just by a bullet, using \texttt{itemize}

\item numbered, using \texttt{enumerate} 

\item one
\item two
\item three

\item or with a label, using \texttt{description} 

\item[itemize] bullets
\item[enumerate] automatic numbering
\item[description] labelling


The pifont package includes a variant of the itemize command that will replace the usual 'bullet' by a Zapf Dingbat symbol of your choice

\item First 
\item Second

\item First
\item Second

and a variant of the enumerate command that given an initial Zapf Dingbat symbol will increment the symbol for each item.

\item First 
\item Second

\item First
\item Second

Tim Love