[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]
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Excitement and Hard Maths

Quotation marks are inserted into text using ` for open quotes, and ' for close quotes. If double quotes are needed you just type two single quotes -- ``This is a quotation,'' he said. Notice that you can produce different length dashes by typing one, two and three hyphens. Between hyphenated words use just one inter-word hyphen. Two hyphens are often used for number ranges (23-45). Three hyphens are used a bit like semicolons -- you know the sort of thing.

LaTeX always puts extra space after a full stop like this. To prevent the extra gap occuring in the middle of a name you insert a tie like this (Mr. Jones).

This is a bit of prose which is gently building up to the excitement of an equation.


Don't worry too much if it looks complicated, the main purpose was to give an idea of the quality of maths which LaTeX can produce. Let's look at a rather simpler formula. Subscripts are written tex2html_wrap54 and superscripts are written tex2html_wrap55 . These are both in-line formulae.

Tim Love
Tue Feb 24 10:53:41 GMT 1998