[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]
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these are made by these and these are made by these
( ( ) )
[ [ ] ]
$\{$ \{ $\} $ \}
$\lfloor $ \lfloor $\rfloor $ \rfloor
$\lceil $ \lceil $\rceil $ \rceil
$\langle $ \langle $\rangle $ \rangle
/ / $\backslash$ \backslash
| | $\Vert$ \|
$\uparrow$ \uparrow $\Uparrow$ \Uparrow
$\downarrow$ \downarrow $\Downarrow$ \Downarrow
$\updownarrow$ \updownarrow $\Updownarrow $ \Updownarrow

This table shows the standard sizes. To get bigger sizes, use these prefices

(for left delimiters) (for right delimiters) magnification
\bigl \bigr a bit bigger, but won't overlap lines
\Bigl \Bigr 150% times big
\biggl \biggr 200% times big
\Biggl \Biggr 250% times big

For example,

gives $\Biggl\{2\Bigl(x(3+y)\Bigr)\Biggr\}$. If you're not using the default text size these commands might not work correctly. In that case try the exscale package.

It's preferable to let LATEX choose the delimiter size for you by using \left and \right. These will produce delimiters just big enough for the formulae inbetween.

$\left( \frac{(x+iy)}{\{\int x\}} \right)$
gives $\left( (x+iy) \over \{\int x\} \right)$

The left and right delimiters needn't be the same type. It's sometimes useful to make one of them invisible

\[ z = \left\{
                   1 & (x>0)\\
                   0 & (x<0)

\begin{displaymath}z = \left\{
1 & (x>0)\\
0 & (x<0)
\end{array} \right.

Over- and underbracing works too.

$\overbrace{\alpha \ldots \omega}^{\mbox{greek}} 
 \underbrace{a \ldots z}_{\mbox{english}}$
produces $\overbrace{\alpha \ldots \omega}^{\mbox{greek}}
\underbrace{a \ldots z}_{\mbox {english}}$. The use of \mbox stops the text appearing in math italic.

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Tim Love