[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]
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There's more to maths typesetting than meets the eye. Many conventions used in the typesetting of plain text are inappropriate to maths. LATEX goes a long way to help you along with the style. For example, in a LATEX maths environment, letters come out in italics, `-' as `-' (minus) instead of the usual `-' (dash), `*' becomes *, ' becomes ' and spacing is changed (less around `/', more around `+').

Many of the usual LATEX constructions can still be used in maths environments but their effect may be slightly different; eg \textbf{ } only affects letters and numbers. `{' and `}' are still special characters; they're used to group characters.

As usual in LATEX you can override the defaults, but think before doing it: maths support in LATEX has been carefully thought out and is quite logical though the LATEX source text may not be very readable. It's a good idea to write out the formulae on paper before you start LATEXing, and try not to overdo the use of the `\frac' construction; use `/' instead.

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Tim Love