[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]
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Overlining, underlining and bold characters

$\underline{one} \overline{two}$
produces $\underline{one} \overline{two}$. This is not a useful facility if it's used more than once on a line. The lines are produced so that they don't quite overlap the text; lines over or under different words won't in general be at the same height.

To be able to reproduce bold maths, it's best to use the bm package. $E = \bm{mc^2}$ produces E = mc2.

Alternatively, you can use \mathbf{} to create bold characters - $\mathbf{F}_2^3$ produces F23. or you can use the following idea

\usepackage{amsbsy} % This loads amstext too
$\omega + \boldsymbol{\omega}$

% Use the following if whole expressions need to be in bold
{\boldmath $\omega $}

Tim Love