[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]
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Subscripts and superscripts

These are introduced by the `^' and `_' characters. Depending on the base character and the current style, the sub- or superscripts may go to the right of or directly above/below the main character. With letters it goes to the right.
produces `F23'. Note that the sub- and superscripts aren't in line. To make them so, you can add an invisible character after the `F'. $F{}_2^3$ produces F23.

With $\sum$ the default behaviour is different in display and text styles.

$\sum_{i=0}^2 $
produces $\sum_{i=0}^2 $ (text style) but
\[\sum_{i=0}^2 \]
produces (in display style)

\begin{displaymath}\sum_{i=0}^2 \end{displaymath}

This default behaviour can be overridden, if you really need to. For example in text mode,

produces $\sum\limits_{i=0}^2$

Tim Love