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The Indian TEX Users Group (TUGIndia) was founded in 1997 to provide leadership for users of TEX, Donald Knuth's revolutionary typesetting system. It represents the interests of TEX users in India: if you use TEX in any of its forms, you may consider joining TUGIndia (see the Aims and Benefits).

Structure of TUGIndia

TUGIndia is democratic and is run by and for its members. Any member can stand for election to the Executive Board. The office is run by the Secretary and the secretariat, and there is a wide range of other committees to handle technical and administrative matters. TUGIndia maintains close ties with other TEX user groups around the world and the International TEX Users Group (TUG).

TUGIndia Organization

News and events

Online Tutorial on LATEX is now available in book format. Please download from here.
Seventh chapter of Online Tutorial on LATEX Graphics has been released. Please download from here.
Here is the report of LATEX workshop held at Pune, India during July 9–14, which was jointly organised by Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana and Dept. of Maths, University of Pune and sponsored by TEX  Users Group.
TEX  helps in timely Publication of BSNL's Trivandrum Telephone Directory. Read more details here.
GNUPress of Free Software Foundation republish TUGIndia's Online LATEX Tutorial in book form for world wide audiences. See details here.
TUGIndia join hands with Technopark, Trivandrum to offer techno-entrepreneurial training in TEX to create micro-enterprises which might eventually grow up into potential text processing companies offering services to clients within and outside the country. Read more about this here.
TUG 2002: India: 23rd TUG Annual Meeting and Conference had concluded on September 7, 2002 in Trivandrum, India. Read the post-conference reports here.
NetSpeak column of The Hindu talks about TEX.
TEXLive 7 CDROM: Special conference edition of TeXLive is available for distribution at a cost of Rs. 500 per CD including a printed copy of LaTEX Tutorials - A Primer. The cost covers shipping charges. Payment may be in the form of demand draft drawn favouring the Indian TEX Users Group, on any bank in Trivandrum and sent along with order to TUGIndia office, address is given at the bottom of this page. Usually, the CD and book will be shipped out within 24 hours and informed through mail if email id is provided.
Help TUGIndia by buying TEXLive CD's, books and T-Shirts. T-Shirts are available @ Rs. 250 including postage.

Quick reference

Information about the International TEX Users Group (TUG)


The Knuth Scholarship is awarded each year for the best original project using TEX developed by a non-technical user. The award consists of an expenses-paid (not to exceed $2000) trip to the next annual meeting.

TEX Archives, Standards and Software

A TUG Technical Council working group defined a standard network archive for TEX software, the Comprehensive TEX Archive Network (CTAN). This is a mirrored network of ftp servers at ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/ and ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/ which are widely mirrored and hold up-to-date copies of all the public-domain versions of TEX, LaTEX, Metafont and ancillary programs.

TUG also helped to develop, and sells, a CDROM called TEX Live, which contains ready-to-run TEX systems for most types of Unix and Windows, and a very complete tree of fonts and macros arranged according to the standard TEX directory structure (TDS) created by a Technical Council working group. This will be updated regularly. As a service to our membership, we hope to provide information on new publications of interest to TEX users, as well as links to the various publishing sites to enable users speedy access to new publications (as well as old) and ordering information.

How to join TUGIndia

There is no membership fee. Please subscribe to TUGIndia mailing list by visiting http://www.tug.org/mailman/listinfo/tugindia.

For additional information on products and services available through the Indian TEX Users Group, please send email to tugindia@tug.org.in
phone +91-471-233-7501/7502, or FAX your request to +91-471-233-3186.

You can also contact via snail mail at:

Indian TEX Users Group
Floor III, SJP Buildings
Cottons Hills, Trivandrum 695 014

TeX Lion

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