Quick Tutorial on the Beamer Package for Slide Making in LaTeX

Professor Norm Matloff
Dept. of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616

(Please mail any questions to Norm Matloff.)

Beamer allows you to create slides featuring overlays, animation and so on in LaTeX. You simply insert some calls to Beamer macros in your LaTeX source file, then run pdflatex. You then use Acroread (or xpdf etc.) to present your slides.

For LaTeX users, Beamer has a number of advantages over PowerPoint or OpenOffice:

This document is intended as a quick tutorial on using Beamer. It's certainly enough to get you started, and the features presented here may be all you ever need. However, after you get comfortable with these features, there are tons of other ones which Beamer offers--its user manual is 210 pages long!

Contents of this site:

Quick tour:

You should first take my 5-minute tour. First view the result, at http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/~matloff/BeamerTour.pdf.

Your Web browser is probably configured to use Acroread on PDF files. If so, you can go from slide to slide using PageDown and PageUp (or the arrow keys). You can go to full screen via ctrl-L, and later toggle to get out of full screen mode. If on the other hand you are using xpdf, again use PageDown and PageUp for navigation. But if you want full screen mode in xpdf, you need to specify the -fullscreen option on the command line. Note that Beamer itself includes little navigation icons at the bottom right of the screen.

Then glance through the source, at http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/~matloff/BeamerTour.tex. I will explain the Beamer commands in the source below, but you may be able to guess a lot of them on your own.

Obtaining and installing Beamer:

Obtain from the Beamer home page, http://latex-beamer.sourceforge.net

You'll also need LaTeX, of course, and (from the Beamer home page):

To install, you'll first need to find out where your LaTeX system is stored. If you don't know where this is, run the latex command on some .tex file and look at the output, searching for a directory with "texmf" in the path name. On a Linux system, this is likely to be /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/.

Assuming you have root access to that directory (see below if not) create subdirectories beamer, pgf and xcolor. Install the corresponding packages in those subdirectories, so that for example you will now have a further subdirectory /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/beamer/base, a file /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/pgf/pgfautomata.sty

If you do not have root access, you can install in another directory, say /u/v. However, you'll then have to set your TEXINPUTS environment variable. For example, in the C-shell, you'd type

setenv TEXINPUTS .:/u/v/:

In the pgf case, I found that version 0.95 had a multi-level directory structure, unlike the earlier versions, and that Beamer was unable to find the files without further arrangement. The approach I took to solving this problem was to "flatten" the structure, which I did by writing the following Unix C-shell alias:

alias flatcopy "find . -name '*' -type f -exec cp {} \!* \;"

I then ran

flatcopy /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/pgf

Finally, I had to update the LaTeX database, by running


General Beamer document structure:

The meat of the presentation consists of the frames. One frame corresponds to one or more overlaid slides. If for instance you have three slides overlaid with each other, that will correspond to just one \begin{frame}...\end{frame} pair.

The document as a while will look like this:

\mode<presentation>{theme info etc.} 
regular LaTeX title/author info
\AtBeginSection[]{} % for optional outline or other recurrent slide
optional title frame

The mode paragraph:

This used to set various global parameters, such as visual themes. As a nice starter mode section, I recommend

{ \usetheme{boxes} }

Frame structure:

The structure of a frame is

\frametitle{title you choose}
text you choose, i.e. body of the frame

The frame title that you choose will show up at the top edge of the frame. You can also choose a subtitle.

Creating overlays:

Beamer has a very rich selection of methods for creating overlays. Here we introduce the most primitive types.

The simplest way to create a set of overlaid slides is to use \pause everywhere you want a break between overlays. For example,

   \frametitle{Overlay Example}
   Here is a list of items:

   \item first item
   \item second item
   \item third item

would create a frame consisting of three overlaid slides. At first only "Here is a list of items:" and "first item" would appear. Then "second item" would surface, etc.

There is no special about \itemize here. The \pause command will create an overlay wherever we place it. So for instance

   \frametitle{Overlay Example}
   Here is a 
   list of items:

   \item first item
   \item second item
   \item third item

would first display only "Here is a". Then "list of items:" would appear and so on.

A much more flexible way to create overlays is to use \uncover. For instance

\uncover<3->{The dog jumped the fence.}

would display that sentence in the third and all subsequent slides in the current frame.

To see a more meaningful example, take a look at the source file in my quick Beamer tour cited above. There I used \uncover in LaTeX's \tabular environment to show the steps in a geometry proof, one step at a time.

Title frame structure:

All the usual LaTeX \title, \author etc. information declared earlier in the document will now show up in a slide, if you include this paragraph:


Structure for recurrent slides:

One may wish to have a certain slide show up repeatedly within the presentation. One common example of this is a highlighted outline:

A popular way of organizing a slide presentation is to have an outline slide, which will appear repeatedly at various times during the presentation. The slide consists of an outline of the talk, listing the major topics. Each time the slide appears, it highlights the title of the section of the presentation which will next be shown. This way the audience can see the "forest" instead of the "trees," i.e. understand how the parts of the talk fit together.

Beamer allows us to automate this process.

One creates the groundwork for an outline in Beamer by using ordinary LaTeX \section, \subsection etc. These will be used to tell Beamer the points in the presentation at which to insert the outline or other kind of recurrent slide. We arrange this as follows, in the outline case:


This tells Beamer, "At each point which we've marked with a LaTeX \section command, insert a Beamer frame whose title at the top edge of the slide is `Outline' and which consists of our LaTeX table of contents with the current section being highlighted." (Note: Remember that you may have to run pdflatex more than once in order to get the table of contents.)

If we need to do this instead at the subsection level, we would have


Of course, we can set whatever frame title we wish, not just `Outline'. And it's clear that we have can recurrent slides other than outlines, by simply replacing the \tableofcontents command with other text, say a joke we want to keep repeating until people get sick of it. :-)

Use of LaTeX's \verbatim in Beamer:

If you use \verbatim within a frame, be sure to declare the frame fragile:
