Figure 1. Integrated CAD/NAST system. Legend: 1 - Design requirement specification 2 - Assembly expert 3 - Overall design knowledge base 4 - Design instance library 5 - Cost and analysis expert 6 - Manufacturing expert 7 - A pool of reference models to be tested 8 - Procedural algorithms 9 - Algorithm expert (system) 10 - Algorithm knowledge base 11 - Library of "proper" algorithms and parameter numerical values 12 - The current reference model for analysis 13 - Automated simulation program generator 14 - Simulation condition specification 15 - Simulation program runs 16 - Simulation results visualization and interpretation 17 - Evaluation and modification 18 - Consideration of another model from the selected pool 19 - The current model adjustment 20 - Simulation program refinement 21 - Simulation condition modification 22 - RESULT: acceptance of the design