The ICEIS Latex camera-ready submission "template" is composed by a set of 11 files, in the following 3 groups. If you are using this template to submit a paper for blind review you MUST NOT INCLUDE the author(s) name(s), address, and related data! Group 1) To format your ICEIS paper you will need to copy into your working directory, but NOT edit, the following 4 files: apalike.bst apalike.sty fancyhdr.sty iceis.sty Group 2) You also need to copy into your working directory and edit the following 4 template files: abstract.tex authors.tex keywords.tex title.tex Group 3) Additionally, you may wish to copy and edit the following 3 example files: example.tex example.bib fig1.eps Instructions: Step 1: edit each file in group 2 and enter the following data: - the title of your paper in file title.tex, - the abstract in file abstract.tex (up to 200 words) - the keywords (up to 10 words) - the author(s) data in file authors.tex (not to be used when submitting for blind review) Files title.tex and authors.tex are structured and already have an example of the kind of information you should enter at the proper places. Files keywords.tex and abstract.tex are empty. You can write any text you wish within the word limit aforementioned. Step 2: Write the paper and the bibliography: - files example.tex and example.bib show how to create a paper with a corresponding list of references. - any pictures you may wish to include in your paper must be converted to eps format first and then included as indicated in the example (see example.tex). Step 3: Create the dvi file: - Then use a Latex processor such as MikTex ( to create a dvi version of your paper. a) you will need to run a BibTex processor on the tex file (example.tex) in order to transform the bib file (example.bib) into a bbl file. b) after step 3a) you will need to run twice the Latex processor on the tex file. The aux files are created after the first run; only after the second run is created the final dvi file, with all bibliographical references updated. Step 4: Create the pdf file, using a converter dvi-to-pdf. Step 5: Copy the tex files, bib files and eps files you may have to a folder; DO NOT FORGET TO COPY ALL THE EPS FILES; add the pdf file as well; zip the folder and send it to us using the web based paper submission procedure at NOTES: 1. If you use other style files (.sty) you MUST include them in the zip file you send to us. 2. If you need to include a picture that does not fit in one column then you may place the picture(s) in a one column page at the end of the paper. 3. If you need further assistance in the preparation of your manuscript please contact the secretariat using the following email: