This is BibTeX, Version 0.99cThe top-level auxiliary file: semushinSQA.aux The style file: apalike.bst Database file #1: mybibase.bib Warning--string name "isbn" is undefined --line 867 of file mybibase.bib I was expecting a `,' or a `}'---line 867 of file mybibase.bib : note = isbn : 0-471-08101-9 I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry Warning--there's a number but no volume in boozer:1971 Warning--there's a number but no volume in johnson:1962 Warning--there's a number but no volume in johnson:1963 Warning--there's a number but no volume in johnson:1964 Warning--there's a number but no volume in mehra:1971 Warning--there's a number but no volume in page:1954 Warning--there's a number but no volume in semoushin:1979 (There was 1 error message)