%FUNCTION SELECTION % % The existence of multiple functions allows the DRAW %FRACTAL command to create non-trivial fractal images. %The control box labeled "Function #" allows the user %easy access to each of the functions created. The %slider control lets the user move from function to %function. Only one function can be analysed and modified %at a time. The number of this "current function" is %displayed at the top of the box. The current function may %also be selected by clicking the mouse over its figure %(see GRAPHICS WINDOW). % The FUNCTION ON check box allows the user to turn the %current function "on" and "off". In the "off" state, a %function's box will only appear in the graphics window %when it is the current function, and will not be included %when the fractal is drawn. This way, the user can easily %try drawing fractals with and without certain functions %in the system. Note that if a function goes "out of %bounds" (i.e. if any corner lies outside the unit square), %the FUNCTION ON box is automatically turned of, and can %not be turned on until the function is brought back "in %bounds" (when a function is brought back in bounds, the %FUNCTION ON box is automatically set to ON). The FUNCTION %ON setting is determined independently for each function. % The NEW button creates a new function, whose default %value is the unit square, and whose function number is one %greater than the previous highest value. The new function %becomes the current function. Note: It is recommended %that the user not leave any function as the unit square. %Although it does not invalidate the fractal, it's presence %will cause the fractal image to have fewer points plotted. % The COPY button makes a copy of the current function %and assigns it a function number one greater than the %previous highest value. The new function becomes the %current function. % The DELETE button deletes the current function entirely. %