% The LOAD button allows you to retrieve function data %which has been stored using the SAVE button (see above). %When you press the LOAD button, a window will open above %it with an editable text box. Click in the box, then %type the name of the file containing the functions you %wish to retrieve. FRACTORY can open any ASCII file %containing correctly organized data (see GENERAL help). %If the file you specify does not exist, the message %"No such filename" will appear briefly. Loading a file %will overwrite any existing functions. The CANCEL button %may be pressed at any time to remove the Load window. %Several sample files of the form "xmpl1", "xmpl2a", etc. %are included. You may wish to investigate and play with %them. % The CLEAR ALL button deletes all functions from the %current FRACTORY workspace. They are gone forever (unless %you saved them first). % The QUIT button closes the Control Panel and Graphics %Windows and exits you from the FRACTORY program. However, %it does not clean up after itself. It leaves over 150 %variables in the MATLAB workspace, so you may want to %type the "clear" command if you plan to use MATLAB for %other applications (be careful! the "clear" command %deletes ALL variables from the current workspace).