%FRACHELP is a subroutine of the program "fractory.m". It %creates the help selection window and accesses the desired %help files. %Setup help selection controls %Help menu frame helpbox(1) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','frame',... 'Position',[10 55 150 495]); HEpos=get(helpbox(1),'Position'); HEpos(3:4)=[0 0]; %Help box static text 1 helpbox(2) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','text',... 'Position',HEpos+[5 470 140 20],... 'String','Please select one'); %Help box static text 2 helpbox(3) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','text',... 'Position',HEpos+[5 445 140 20],... 'String','of the following'); %Help box static text 3 helpbox(4) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','text',... 'Position',HEpos+[5 420 140 20],... 'String','HELP topics:'); %Help General button helpbox(5) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 390 120 20],... 'String','General',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpGE1,',... 'pause,',... 'help fhlpGE2']); %Help Function Selection button helpbox(6) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 365 120 20],... 'String','Fcn Selection',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpFS']); %Help Corner Co-Ords button helpbox(7) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 340 120 20],... 'String','Corner Co-Ords',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpCC']); %Help Sqare Transfrom button helpbox(8) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 315 120 20],... 'String','Sqr Transform',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpST1,',... 'pause,',... 'help fhlpST2']); %Help Draw Fractal button helpbox(9) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 290 120 20],... 'String','Draw Fractal',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpDF1,',... 'pause,',... 'help fhlpDF2.m']); %Help Other Buttons button helpbox(10) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 265 120 20],... 'String','Other Buttons',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpOB1,',... 'pause,',... 'help fhlpOB2']); %Help Graphics Window button helpbox(11) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 240 120 20],... 'String','Graphics Window',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpGW1,',... 'pause,',... 'help fhlpGW2']); %Help About Fractory button helpbox(12) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 215 120 20],... 'String','About Fractory',... 'CallBack',['help fhlpAF']); %Help box static text 4 helpbox(13) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','text',... 'Position',HEpos+[5 165 140 20],... 'String','The HELP text will'); %Help box static text 5 helpbox(14) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','text',... 'Position',HEpos+[5 140 140 20],... 'String','appear in the main'); %Help box static text 6 helpbox(15) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','text',... 'Position',HEpos+[5 115 140 20],... 'String','MATLAB'); %Help box static text 7 helpbox(16) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','text',... 'Position',HEpos+[5 90 140 20],... 'String','workspace.'); %Cancel help button helpbox(17) = uicontrol(Cpan,... 'Style','push',... 'Position',HEpos+[15 20 120 20],... 'String','Close Help Menu',... 'CallBack',['for nn=1:17,',... 'delete(helpbox(nn)),',... 'end,',... 'viewon=0;',... 'ctlmode=''on'';',... 'setwho=1;',... 'setctl,',... 'curdat(11)=-3;','updatecd']);