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Operations Research Models and Methods
Models Section

Characteristics of the System


Total number of customers in the system; i.e., the number in the queue plus the number in service


The maximum number in the system. When the maximum number in the system is finite and this number has been reached, an arriving customer "balks" and does not enter.


Probability of n customers in the system at steady state.

Expected number of customers in the system at steady state.

Expected time customer spends in the system at steady state.

Characteristics of the Arrival Process

The size of the input source.

The arrival rate or the expected number of arrivals per unit time when n customers are in the system.

The arrival rate when the state of the system does not affect the rate of customer arrivals. The expected time between arrivals is .

The average arrival rate when the state of the system affects the rate of arrival.

Characteristics of the Queue
Maximum number in the queue

The maximum number in the system less the number of servers; K - s.

The expected number of customers in the queue at steady state.

The expected customer waiting time in the queue at steady state.
Queue discipline

The rule by which customers are chosen from the queue to receive service. Possible rules are first-come-first-served, last-come-first-served, or selection by some priority rule. Unless otherwise stated, it is assumed that customers form a single queue even if there are multiple service channels.

Characteristics of the Service Process

Number of service channels. All are assumed to be identical.

Expected number in service at steady state.

The expected customer service time ()

Mean service rate for the system when n customers are present.

The mean service rate for a single busy server when the number in the system does not affect the service rate. The expected time to complete a single service activity is .

Traffic intensity. This is the ratio between the rate at which arrivals attempt to use the system and the maximum service rate of the system.

Efficiency or utilization. The ratio between the average number of customers in service and the number of servers.
Little's Law for Queueing Systems

Average number = flow rate * residence time

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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved