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Operations Research Models and Methods
Computation Section
Subunit Combinatorics
 -Quadratic Assignment Problem

To illustrate the add-in we consider a small problem described by Ronald Rardin in his book Optimization in Operations Research. The example illustrates a location problem, one of the applications of the QAP. Another example is found in the section on Facility Layout.

A small shopping mall has four shop locations. The walking distance, in feet, between all pairs of locations are shown in the table below.


Four shops, designated A, B, C and D, are to be assigned to the four locations in such a way that customers traveling between pairs of shops will not walk too far. We have data on the number of customers per week that travel between the shops. The data is shown in the table below. The entries are in thousands of trips. We show the trips in the upper diagonal of the table although the trips might be in either direction. Although the program can handle directional travel, the distribution of trips between the two directions doesn't matter for a symmetric distance matrix.


The problem is to specify a location for each department. Call x(i) the location assigned to department i and say that there n departments (and locations). The distance between two locations, say k and l, is d(k, l) and the flow between two department, say i and j, is f(i, j). The trip-distance contributed by departments i and j to the objective function is:

f(i, j)*d(x(i), x(j))

Summing over all department pairs provides the QAP objective function:

Sum(i = 1…n)[Sum(j = 1 to n, i <> j){f(i, j)*d(x(i), x(j))]

We will see that this objective is efficiently represented using Excel functions.


Creating a Model

To create a model, we choose the QAP command from the menu. The dialog accepting the parameters of the model is presented.

For the example, we enter 4 as the number of departments and specify a name for the problem. As usual, this name should be short and it must not include spaces or punctuation. The name provides the worksheet name and is the prefix for a number of array names on the worksheet, so once specified, it cannot be changed. We choose to minimize the objective. The check boxes at the bottom of the dialog determine whether assignment costs are to be provided and whether random data are to be placed in the problem arrays.

The add-in creates a worksheet with the name Lay and calls the Optimize add-in to create a permutation combinatorial form. We have entered the interlocation distances and the interdepartmental flows into the matrices constructed by the add-in. The initial solution assigns the locations to the departments in numerical order and places the solution in row 9.


We see a third matrix, the Sorted Distance matrix, at the bottom of the form that plays an important role in the model. For the solution {1, 2, 3, 4}, the matrix is the same as the Distance matrix, however, for other solutions the rows and columns of the distance matrix are sorted according to the permutation solution. Each cell of the Sorted Distance matrix holds an Excel Index function. For example the formula in cell D26 is:


This function returns the entry in the Distance matrix that is in the row and column given in cells C26 and D25 respectively. In this case it is the entry Distance(1,1), which happens to be zero.

The INDEX functions provided by Excel perform the primary evaluation step for a solution. Since Excel performs built-in functions very rapidly, this approach is much more efficient than referring to a user-defined function. On the other hand, the number of function calls required is the square of the number of departments. This may result in difficulties for large problems.

Row 11 for the example is colored pink and has the title Obj. Terms. This array is not used for the example, but can hold formulas or values that are in included in the objective function. The function in cell F5 used to evaluate the solution is

=SUMPRODUCT(Lay_Flow,Lay_SortDist)+ SUM( Lay_OpObjTerms)

The first term computes the QAP objective and the latter term sums the contents of row 11.

The button in cell A3 initiates a search process. On pressing this button, the Search dialog from the Optimize add-in is presented. Any of the search procedures can be selected, although the Greedy algorithm will not work for the QAP. Since the example is so small, we have chosen the Exhaustive enumeration option. The example has 24 permutations, so we have set the dialog to show all of them. The search option can also be reached by the Search command from the Optimize menu.

The results of the enumeration are shown below. The optimum solution places shop A in location 1, shop B in location 4, shop C in location 3 and shop D in location 2. The trip-feet traveled is 3260 (thousands) per week. The Sorted Distance matrix reflects the permutation in row 9.

The 24 solutions are placed in the list shown at the left. The optimum is repeated so the total number evaluated is 25. Since there are only 24 permutations of 4 numbers, the list shows all solutions.


Assignment Costs

Say the shop owners offer different rent payments for the locations and some locations are not suitable for certain shops. These features are added by clicking Include Assignment Cost box.

Another matrix is included on the form called C(i,j). This gives the cost for making specific assignments. Here we enter the rent offers as negative numbers. Since the QAP objective is trip-feet per week, we are subtracting from that term the revenue per week from rents. It is not really correct to combine terms with different dimensions. Essentially we are equating the cost of 1000 trip-feet to 1$ in rent.

The cells with *** indicate assignments that are not allowed. Although the initial solution uses disallowed assignments, the search processes will not allow them.

The solution process enumerates all possible permutations that do not use the disallowed assignments and returns the optimum.

Eliminating the restricted assignments, the location problem now has only 11 feasible solutions. The solutions sorted by objective function value are shown at the left.

Larger Problems

A second example involves six departments and randomly generated data. The solution of the model found with exhaustive enumeration is shown in row 9.


Exhaustive enumeration requires 5040 function evaluations. The top 20 solutions are listed below. Since the evaluations use Excel functions, the time required is a modest 19 seconds on the author's computer.

We add the assignment cost feature to the problem above and indicate that 50% of the assignments are to be disallowed. Since a random generation procedure is used, the fraction of disallowed cells will be only approximately 50%.


The add-in estimates that 2250 solutions will be enumerated, but there are only 189 feasible permutations. The estimation procedure is not very accurate when some of the assignments are disallowed.

The figure below shows the sorted solutions for a problem with 12 departments. The number of permutations is far too large for exhaustive enumeration. Alternatively, we have randomly generated 100 permutations and subjected each to a 2-change improvement process. The results required over 25,000 objective function evaluations and 164 seconds. There is no way to tell if the best solution found is the optimum.


The add-in places no limitation on the size of the problem that can be modeled except the limits imposed by the size of the Excel worksheet and whatever limits Excel may impose on the number of functions that may placed on a worksheet. Of course larger problems are hard to solve. Certainly exhaustive enumeration is impossible for problems with more than 10 departments unless the allowed assignments are highly restricted. The greedy enumeration method of the Optimize add-in does not work for this problem, but random generation is certainly possible. The n-change improvement option can be applied to the randomly generated solutions, and given sufficient time, one should be be able to find good solutions to practical problems.

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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved