% Nonlinear estimation of damping coefficient. % % Example 5.3, pp. 173--174 in % Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice, % by M. S. Grewal and A. P. Andrews, % published by Wiley, 2000. % % This implementation uses lower (but unknown) % damping to improve damping observability. % clear all;close all; disp('See Example 5.3 in'); disp('Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice,'); disp('by M. S. Grewal and A. P. Andrews,'); disp('published by Wiley, 2000.'); disp(' '); disp('Demonstration of extended Kalman filter'); disp('estimating the position, velocity and'); disp('damping factor of a damped harmonic'); disp('oscillator with constant forcing.'); disp(' '); disp('This would be an appropriate model for'); disp('a VERTICAL mass-spring system with UNKNOWN'); disp('constant damping and known gravity forcing.'); disp(' '); disp('This particular implementation uses relatively'); disp('small (but unknown) damping to improve'); disp('observability of the damping coefficient'); disp(' '); % % Model parameters % zeta = 0.02; % TRUE damping factor (unitless) I3 = eye(3); % (identity matrix) T = .01; % intersample time interval (s) % (not specified in Example 5.3) qc = 4.47; % continuous process noise covariance (ft^2/s^3) R = .01; % measurement noise variance (ft^2) omega = 5; % undamped resonant frequency (rad/s) f = [0;12;0];% non-homogeneous forcing (constant) H = [1,0,0]; % measurement sensitivity matrix lambda = exp(-T*omega*zeta); psi = 1 - zeta^2; xi = sqrt(psi); theta = xi*omega*T; c = cos(theta); s = sin(theta); Phix = zeros(3); % % This implementation uses the exact solution for % them matrix exponential, exp(T*F) for the state % transition matrix, derived using % symbolic math software. The values can also be % calculated numerically in Matlab using Runge-Kutta % integration. % Phix(1,1) = lambda*c + zeta*s/xi; Phix(1,2) = lambda*s/(omega*xi); Phix(2,1) = -omega*lambda*s/xi; Phix(2,2) = lambda*c - zeta*s/xi; Phix(3,3) = 1; % % The discrete time forcing term is % delta = f(2)*[(1 - lambda*(c-zeta*s*xi/psi))/omega^2; lambda*s/(omega*xi); 0]; % % The EKF approximation of Qd will be T*Qc % Qd = T*[0,0,0;0,qc,0;0,0,0]; disp('(Allow a moment for simulation.)'); % x = [0;0;zeta]; P = [2,0,0;0,2,0;0,0,.004]; H = [1,0,0]; R = .01; xh = [0;0;0]; m = 0; %t=0;x1=0;x2=0;x3=0;xh1=0;xh2=0;xh3=0;p11=0;p22=0;p33=0; for k=1:2001, t(k) = T*(k-1); x1(k) = x(1); x2(k) = x(2); x3(k) = x(3); % % a priori values % m = m+1; tm(m) = t(k); xh1(m) = xh(1); xh2(m) = xh(2); xh3(m) = xh(3); p11(m) = sqrt(P(1,1)); p22(m) = sqrt(P(2,2)); p33(m) = sqrt(P(3,3)); % % a posteriori values following observational update % m = m+1; z = x(1); K = P*H'/(H*P*H'+R); xh = xh + K*(z-H*xh); P = P - K*H*P; P = .5*(P+P'); tm(m) = t(k); xh1(m) = xh(1); xh2(m) = xh(2); xh3(m) = xh(3); p11(m) = sqrt(P(1,1)); p22(m) = sqrt(P(2,2)); p33(m) = sqrt(P(3,3)); % % Temporal update % x = Phix*x + delta; % update of true state w/o noise % % The EKF approximation for Phi is I3 + T*F, % where, for (d/dt) x(t) = a(x(t)), F is the % partial derivative F = (d/dx)a(x) evaluated % at the estimated value of x. % Phih = I3 + T*[0,1,0; -omega^2,-2*omega*xh(3),-2*omega*xh(2); 0,0,0]; xh = Phih*xh + delta; P = Phih*P*Phih' + Qd; end; clf; subplot(3,1,1),plot(t,x1,'b-',tm,xh1,'g-'); %legend('True','Est.'); xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Position (ft)');title('True and estimated states. (Press to continue.)'); subplot(3,1,2),plot(t,x2,'b-',tm,xh2,'g-'); %legend('True','Est.'); xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Velocity (fps)'); subplot(3,1,3),plot(t,x3,'b-',tm,xh3,'g-'); %legend('True','Est.'); xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Damp. Factor'); disp('Press to continue.'); pause subplot(3,1,1),plot(tm,p11);xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Position');title('Root mean squared estimation uncertainties'); subplot(3,1,2),plot(tm,p22);xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Velocity'); subplot(3,1,3),plot(tm,p33);xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Damp. Factor'); disp('DONE');