Companion Website 98

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Modern Control Systems

Modern Control Systems
Ninth Edition

Richard C. Dorf
Robert H. Bishop

This Companion Website (CW) has been created to supplement study and teaching from the classic, best-selling textbook Modern Control Systems, 9/e by Richard Dorf and Robert Bishop.

The CW contains resources for both students and instructors.

These resources include:

  • A virtual online Study Guide for students, with a wide variety of extra problems and practice exams (with solutions) developed to mirror the contents of the book, and help students develop effective problem-solving strategies. This online study guide is interactive, and provides immediate feedback to students. Problems include:

    - Matching: Intended to help students master new terminology introduced in the book

    - True/False: Intended to ask students to think conceptually about the material presented

    - Multiple/Choice: Intended to provide students with extra practice on a wide array of problems.

  • MATLAB and Simulink m-files for all examples in the text. Students can download these in multiple formats and use them to aid their use of MATLAB and Simulink.

  • Every Figure (over 800 of them) from the book available in downloadable PDF format for use as lecture transparencies.

  • "Destinations" links to resources on the www for further study, or to visit projects/corporations that utilize control systems in their products.

  • An up-to-date "Errata" section where corrections will be posted.

More resources will be added to the website on an ongoing basis, making this a dynamic site to enhance learning. Check in often!

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