[Univ of Cambridge] [Dept of Engineering]

LaTEX Booklets and Posters

A5 booklets

  1. Add a5paper to the documentclass options. E.g., \documentclass[12pt,a5paper]{article}
  2. latex the document (called doc.tex, say)
  3. Run dvips -odoc.ps doc.dvi
  4. Run psbook <doc.ps >doc2.ps
  5. Run psnup -2 <doc2.ps >doc3.ps
  6. Run ghostview doc3.ps to check the output.


People use various methods - see for example The methods below have been used at our site. Try to use postscript fonts - they scale better.

A3 posters

If you use the following template you will produce a 4-column landscape A3 document. You'll need to use tablehere and figurehere instead of the usual table and figure.


After running latex, run dvips -oposter.ps -t a3 doc.dvi to produce an A3 postscript file that you can see by doing ghostview -landscape -magstep -3 poster.ps. CUED users can send the file to ljmr2 - see the printing page for information. If you want colored text/backgrounds read the Advanced LaTeX guide.

Try this example file (which uses local postscript files).

A0 posters

If ghostview complains about a lack of backing store, and fails to display your document, try starting it using "ghostview -xrm "useBackingPixmap: false"".
[xfig] [Printing] [LaTeX] [Help]

Updated November 2001