Using LaTeX to produce conference posters

This is a collection of words of wisdom on the fraught topic of producing conference posters using LaTeX. It's not bulletproof advice, but should get you started.

This document is still rather rough, and in places maddeningly unspecific. However, on this topic, any advice is better than none. All corrections, amplifictions, and other Words of Wisdom gladly received.

In particular, it's not clear how specific this advice is to our local setup, or how complete it is. If you discover that this advice is or isn't portable, please do let me know, by sending me appropriate edits for this file, in order to help lower world blood-pressure levels, and other night-before-departure angst.

This page is <>, $Revision: 1.15 $

[ Glasgow people: there are more specific/local notes in the Astronomy FAQ-o-matic (local access only). ]

  1. Getting Started
  2. Previewing
  3. Printing the Beast
  4. Other Resources
  5. Contributors

Getting Started

Examine the two templates for portrait and landscape posters.

In outline, you use the a0poster class to handle the page size and fonts for an A0 plotter, and the textpos package (also at CTAN) to place text at arbitrary positions on the page. The sequence of tools is:

    % latex my_poster
    % dvips my_poster -o
    % gv

Instead of going via Postscript, you can produce your poster using pdflatex [CT]. This has the advantage that pdflatex can handle several bitmap formats directly (for example, PNG, GIF, JPEG or TIFF files); this can make a big difference if you are including bitmaps in your poster. The latex->dvips route can handle only .eps files, so bitmaps must be converted to .eps first. However, the encoding of bitmap files in .eps is typically very inefficient, and results in huge .eps and .ps files, and this can cause problems, for example if it causes your printer to run out of memory.

Also, you can view PDF files using Acrobat, gv, or even the Gimp, which may have more flexibility, as well as making it easier to produce A4 previews.

The disadvantage of pdflatex is that it can't handle EPS files directly, so they have to be converted using epstopdf beforehand.


On screen

To view a poster in gv select the 0.100 magnification setting in gv. Ghostview can examine A0 postscript files, although it does (in only some versions?) chop a few inches off the far side of the page. If this happens, you just need to view the poster upside-down or in `seascape'.

If you've used pdflatex (or even if you turn your Postscript to PDF using ps2pdf), you can view your work using a PDF reader.

Some versions of xdvi have terrible trouble with paper sizes this large (specifying the paper size with -paper reportedly [?] helps), so the most reliable way of previewing your poster (if you haven't generated PDF directly) is probably to produce postcript through dvips and use gv.

Draft mode

You can get an A4 preview using the draft option on the a0poster class. You invoke this option using


and this scales the output from A0 to A4.

Note, however, that the graphics and graphicx packages (which you will probably use to include figures in your poster) also have a draft option, and if you include this option on the \documentclass line, it will apply also to any include packages such as the graphics package. Its effect on that package is to suppress the display of the figures. If you do want to see the figures in the drafts (probably the case), then you will need to unset the draft flag, with either

Note also that, even when you use the draft option, the postscript file produced by dvips appears as A0 when viewed in gv. This can be terribly confusing, as it appears that the draft option has not worked, but it should print out OK when you send it to the A4 printer. The a0poster documentation suggests giving the option -Z to dvips if it still doesn't work.


Alternatively, you might want to avoid using the [draft] option, or there may be some reason why it is problematic, so you have to rescale the A0 poster instead.

The psresize utility (see below) will resize an A0 poster to A4 so that you can print it on a normal printer. To get the correct rescaling to A4 do:

> psresize -H238cm -h59.5cm

That's almost it. Unfortunately the resizer seems to offset the poster from the correct location on the page. Fortunately it's easy to fix. What you have to do is find the first line like "213.000 0.000 translate" (not necessarily those numbers exactly) and change it to "0.0 0.0 translate". You should find it just after the "%%Page" comment.

If you're already using the draft option to a0poster, then you don't need to resize the postscript file (see above). If you do, then you can end up with a poster which will fit on a business card, which can result in you tearing your hair out, and saying an assortment of things which would make your grandmother blush.

Graeme has written a small perl script which will attempt to the whole conversion for you, it's called Just pass it the name of the A0 postscript file:

> dvips my_poster -o
This is dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software (
' TeX output 2000.05.11:1612' ->
Wrote a4 version to

Let us know if it breaks!


  1. gv still thinks the paper size is A0. Either change the size manually to A4 to preview it (printing works fine), or you can edit the postscript file by changing the bounding box to that appropriate for A4 paper (see useful sizes below).
  2. The script works fine with landscape posters, after they have been massaged by, for example, psnup (see below).

Printing the Beast

This unfortunately appears to require a certain amount of magic, at least some of which might need to be specific to your printer and your local setup.

Once you have postscript from dvips and you're happy with the results, you can print it to an A0 plotter. However, if you have a landscape poster you need to massage the postscript using a command like the following:

> psnup -w85cm -h119cm -f \

This command flips the poster through 90 degrees, so that it prints out correctly in lanscape format (otherwise you get a poster in landscape going across the A0 page, and it gets cut off at the edge). It's not quite clear which LaTeX package is to blame for this (it might even be the printer), but do preview the new postscript again before you print it, just to check it's not truncated, especially along the top edge (use "Portrait", "0.100" and "A0" as your options in gv).

When you have the final version ready, proof read it that one last time (see above for how to get an A4 draft version), then send it on its way to the printer in the usual fashion.

If you have to use a print shop to print the thing out -- that is, if you don't have a dirty great A0 plotter to hand -- you should talk to them about what formats they require. They'll probably be able to deal with Postscript (does anyone have general advice about how to make dvips output portable in this respect?), but might have problems with PDF files. If need be [CT], you could read a Postscript or PDF file into the Gimp (which incidentally allows you to do any final touching-up you fancy) and save it as a TIFF. The resulting file will be huge, but is a very well-supported standard format, and a print shop will almost certainly be able to handle it.

Another way to print the poster out is to split it into smaller (A4 or A3) sections, print them out, and reassemble them by hand. To split the poster up, you can use epssplit (that page includes pointers to some other useful utilities).

Other resources

Useful sizes

The paper sizes here are from Markus Kuhn's excellent page on ISO/International Paper Sizes.

A0 paper 841 × 1189 mm
A4 paper 210 × 297 mm
1 metre 39.37in
= 2834 points
1 inch 72 (postscript) points
= 25.4mm
A0 bounding box -- portrait 0 0 2383 3370
A0 bounding box -- landscape 0 0 3370 2383
A4 bounding box -- portrait 0 0 595 841
A4 bounding box -- landscape 0 0 841 595


Folk who have contributed comments:

Norman Gray
Graeme Stewart
$Date: 2003/02/28 15:44:06 $
$Revision: 1.15 $
$Log: posters.html,v $
Revision 1.15  2003/02/28 15:44:06  norman
Removed broken links to Hanno Scharr and Oliver Sieks pages.

Revision 1.14  2002/12/03 12:15:00  norman
Added a mention of the epssplit utility, and pointers to other

Revision 1.13  2002/08/20 14:42:01  norman
Comments about the (non-)interaction between [draft] and gv.

Revision 1.12  2002/08/20 10:45:54  norman
Comments about a0poster's draft mode, and the interaction with
graphics draft mode.

Revision 1.11  2002/05/14 09:54:49  norman
Expanded comments on pdflatex

Revision 1.10  2001/11/07 11:05:35  norman
Added a note about the success of the `poster' application

Revision 1.9  2001/08/27 10:05:24  norman
Noted that xdvi's -paper option helps it display large sizes OK.

Revision 1.8  2001/08/21 16:53:27  norman
Tidied up the table of paper sizes

Revision 1.7  2001/08/21 16:36:18  norman
Added advice from Carl Tipton, on using pdflatex as an alternative

Revision 1.6  2001/07/05 12:57:51  norman
Corrected typo in URL

Revision 1.5  2001/07/02 17:36:31  norman
Slightly recast the introduction, so that the pointer to local-only
advice isn't first.

Revision 1.4  2001/07/02 17:22:53  norman
Minor typos.  Correcting references to sample files.