Disclaimer: This file is my own and doesn't engage Timothy van Zandt at all.

Seminar (by Timothy van Zandt)

Seminar is a LaTeX package to make slides, with a lot of flexibility and functionnalities.

Current version is 1.4. You will found it on CTAN, under the macros/latex/contrib/other/seminar directory.

A minimal support of Seminar is included since LaTeX2html v.98.1

1 - Documentation

1.1 - User's Guide

By Timothy van Zandt. The source of this documentation is included in the distribution as sem-user.tex.

If you want to generate it yourself, with actual versions of LaTeX 2e you must change the following definition in tvz-user.sty:


1.2 - Seminar FAQ Version 2.1

By Denis Girou. With the HTML version, there is also a PostScript version, which has better formatting and which include the result of all the examples.

Take care that the PostScript file is rather huge (1.1 MBytes, due to the included result files), so downloading require some good Web bandwidth...

1.3 - Seminar chapter of The LaTeX Graphics Companion

By Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach, Addison Wesley, 1997, section 9.4, pages 338-345.

1.4 - Préparer des transparents avec Seminar

By Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz, Cahiers GUTenberg, number 16, April 1994, pages 71-82 (in french).

1.5- Seminar bugs list

2 - Seminar demonstration files

Obviously, screen oriented presentations and PDF file generation are crucial points today. For this purpose, there are many packages available today in the (La)TeX world, but Seminar (with the interactive features added by the 'hyperref' package) has by itself all the major required features, since it beginning.

Here are some demonstration files which want to show the various results that we can obtain.

But take care that no support of any kind is offered to help to adapt these examples to your own needs. You must learn and work by yourself. Do not write me about these files, for any additional explanations or to adapt them to your own needs, except if you have to send me informations of general interest or new innovative examples that you want to share.

  1. Introduction (version 1.1): PDF color version (202 KB) and Postscript black and white version (42 KB)
    Read it with care if you want to reuse a part of the codes yourself!
  2. Backgrounds (version 1.0): PDF color version (2.6 MB) and Postscript black and white version (371 KB)
  3. Transition effects (version 1.0): PDF color version (235 KB) and Postscript black and white version (26 KB)
  4. Overlays (I) (version 1.0): PDF color version (1.3 MB) and Postscript black and white version (71 KB)
  5. Overlays (II) (version 1.0): PDF color version (955 KB) and Postscript black and white version (52 KB)
  6. Navigation bars and panels (version 1.0): PDF color version (665 KB) and Postscript black and white version (92 KB)
  7. Animated graphics (version 1.0): PDF color version (4.1 MB) and Postscript black and white version (76 KB)
  8. Movies, sounds, annotations and miscellaneous (version 1.0) (it require some external data files available in the two next items): PDF color version (349 KB) and Postscript black and white version (35 KB)
  9. Complete distribution of source and data files: tar and gzip format (1.3 MB)
  10. Complete distribution (source and data files, Postscript black and white and PDF color output files): tar and gzip format (9.5 MB)

Last modified: Tue May 27 19:09:40 CEST 2003