AGU's Updated LATEX Style Files!

New versions of AGU's LATEX style files are now available on the World Wide Web or via anonymous FTP. The new style files contain many features and additions, such as automatic generation of the second set of figure captions and the potential to generate a JGR-Space Physics abstract supplement. Earlier formatting problems have been corrected as well.

LATEX users should first download the new readme file (readme.agu), manual (aguguide.tex), and sample document (sample.tex), all of which contain information necessary to use or install AGU's new LATEX style files.

Updated style files have been created for the Journal of Geophysical Research, Paleoceanography, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Geophysical Research Letters, Tectonics, and Radio Science. A double-spaced style (for manuscript submission) and a two-column preprint style (for distribution to colleagues) are also available. Water Resources Research and Reviews of Geophysics are entirely typeset by AGU, so camera-ready style files were not created for those journals (though authors may use the manuscript submission style, if desired).

All files created using previous versions of AGU's LATEX style files will run with the new version, though one additional environment must be included (see the readme.agu file for more information).

To obtain the new style files, follow these instructions:

World Wide Web: point your web browser to then click on FTP Now, select the directory called agutex/, and choose a file to view or download.

File Transfer Protocol: FTP to then log in as anonymous and type guest as the password. Type cd agutex then type dir to list all files in the agutex directory. To copy all files to your local directory, type mget * and press Enter. To exit, type exit and press Enter.

If you have any questions about retrieving or using these style files, contact AGU at 202/777-7634; e-mail:

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