Stanford University latex thesis style file (suthesis-2e.sty)

This latex style file allows you to create a dissertation that fulfils the requirments of the Registrar's office (at least as far as style, content is your own problem). However, you should double check against the latest version of the regulations (pdf file) put out by the Registrars Office. I've also htmlized the 2003 regulations. Please note that this style file is unofficial though I will make corrections as necessary.

Linguistics people check the Linguistics requirements.

Those of you looking for a Microsoft Word template for the thesis might want to check

Also some words of wisdom

What else is on this page:

Where to get suthesis-2e.sty

How to use

Read the .sty file; it has documentation. But I've extracted it here.

Example file

%or \documentclass[12pt,twoside]{report}

\title{How to Write Theses\\
  With Two Line Titles}
\author{John Henry Candidate}
\principaladviser{John Parker}
% \coprincipaladvisor{Ann Standin} \firstreader{John Green}
\secondreader{John BigBooty\\(Another Department)}
\thirdreader{Jane Supernumerary} %if needed

\prefacesection{Abstract} % optional
have a separate abstract.tex file so you can also input it into the microfilm.tex template

  This thesis tells you all you need to know about...
  I would like to thank...

\chapter{A Long Proof}


This style file modifies the standard report document class to follow the Graduate Degree Support Section of the Registrar's Office's "Directions for Preparing Doctoral Dissertations". It sets the margins and interline spacing and disallows page breaks at hyphens. Note that printers vary so the margins may not be quite right, check. For a really careful check, latex the file 'testpage' (should be part of standard latex) and print. If the printer is off, use \voffset (vertical offset) and \hoffset (horizontal offset) before \begin{document} to make sure the printout is correctly placed (e.g., if it is 15pt too low set \voffset-15pt)

Use the report documentclass and, if you want a doublesided thesis, the twoside option:

Note that one version of the thesis must be printed singlesided (for ease in microfilming); printing the doublesided version out singlesided is not sufficient, the margins on the bounding edge must be 1.5in (this is in contrast to the previous information given here 8/27/03).

The \beforepreface command creates the title page, a copyright page (optionally), and a signature page. The user should put preface section(s), using the \prefacesection{section title} command (unless he doesn't want these sections in the table of contents, in which case use \chapter*{}). The \afterpreface command then produces the tables of contents, tables and figures, and sets things up to start the main body (on arabic page 1 and on an absolute odd page if set doublesided).

The following commands can control what goes in the front matter material:

\title{thesis title}
\author{author's name}
\dept{author's department} - Computer Science if omitted
The following switches allow for modified title pages since certain departments/schools do not follow the regular format (if you don't fall into any of these categories don't worry).
for a thesis in a committee (no dept.) use \dept{committee name}
for a thesis in a program (no dept.) use \dept{program name}
for the School of Education. \dept doesn't matter
for a thesis also submitted to the Graduate Program in Humanities
for a thesis in a dual language department. Define \language{language} as well as \dept{Department}.
for the Graduate School of Business. \dept doesn't matter. (This one isn't actually given in the regs)
for the School of Law. \dept doesn't matter. (This one isn't actually given in the regs)
for a Graduate Special thesis (not actually given in the regs)
Other commands for modifying things
\principaladviser{the principal advisor's name}
(or \principaladvisor, if you prefer advisor spelled with o)
\coprincipaladviser{optional second principal advisor's name}
(or \coprincipaladvisor, use only if you have two principal advisors and only for the second one)
\firstreader{the first reader's name}
\secondreader{optional second reader's name}
\thirdreader{optional third reader's name}
\submitdate{month year in which submitted to GPO}
date LaTeX'd if omitted
\copyrightyear{year degree conferred (next year if submitted in Dec.)}
year LaTeX'd (or next year, in December) if omitted
\copyrighttrue or \copyrightfalse
produce or don't produce a copyright page (true by default)
\thesiscopyrighttrue or \thesiscopyrightfalse
produces the style of copyright page listed by the Thesis Office or the style that everyone else uses (Thesis office by default).
\figurespagetrue or \figurespagefalse
produce or don't produce a List of Figures page (true by default)
\tablespagetrue or \tablespagefalse
produce or don't produce a List of Tables page (true by default)
This style uses interline spacing that is 1.3 times normal, except in the figure and table environments where normal spacing is used. I did check with the Registrar's office some years back and they said the output was fine (can someone check with them and see if this is still true). That can be changed by doing:
(or whatever you want instead of 1.6) This command should be put before the \begin{document} command but after loading the packages.

You can also set any particular section in singlespacing mode by using the singlespace environment. For example


makes the quote singlespaced. See the documentation for setspace.sty for more information.

The example at the beginning shows the 12pt substyle being used. This seems to give acceptable looking results, but it may be omitted to get smaller print.

Other hints


I get asked assorted questions at times including where to get Stanford watermarked acid free paper for that really nice copy. First note that you are not required to have Stanford watermarked paper (just acid free paper) and second note that the following may not be the only source.

According to Stanford procurement, you can order the paper from Corporate Express by calling 1-800-267-5726 and asking for

Stock no: Z87961583
Paper, Laser,8-1/2x11, Stanford Watermark, Acid Free, Thesis
Cost is $15.19 per ream (as of Aug. 2004). One ream is 500 pages.
Stanford Procurement must approve the purchase, call Trink at 650-723-0699 or go through your department. Procurement does suggest having it delivered to a Stanford office for the fastest delivery (I have known stuff to be ordered in the morning and delivered that afternoon, though 1 to 2 days is more common).


I inherited the suthesis style file many years back and will make necessary corrections and improvements as needed. Just send email to

If you know of any web pages that I should point to or corrections to this page, also send me a note.

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Emma Pease
Last modified: Sun May 1 12:08:23 PDT 2005 by