Computation Section
Project Management
 - Critical Path

Clicking the Solve button creates additional structures on the worksheet and solves the problem of finding the Critical Path. This is called the critical path analysis. We provide the details of the analysis on a later page, while here describing the solution.

The critical path identifies those activities that must be performed in strict sequence and with no delays so that the project is finished in the shortest possible time. The add-in shows the activities on the critical path with Red bars in the Critical column.


Critical Path summary results are shown at the left. We see the the smallest expected time to complete the critical activities is 57 hours. The variance shown in cell B11 is the variance of the sum of the times for the critical path activities. The standard deviation in B12 is the square root of the variance in B11. The time for the critical path is not exactly the same as the time to complete the project. When activity times are random variables, one cannot identify a unique set of activities that will be surely critical. The results of column B are only approximate estimates for the time to complete the project.

Cell B15 computes the probability that the project will be complete by a specified due date entered in cell B14. For the example, the probability that the project will be finished within 59 hours is 0.7142. The computations of B15 assumes that the sum of times on the critical path has a Normal distribution. This is a good approximation when there are a number of activities on the critical path. It may not be very good for this small example.

The precedence relations that determine the sequence of activities on the path are shown as green cells in the Predecessor range. This display is created by clicking the Show Critical button at the top of the page. For the example, we see that activities A, D, H, J, L and M are critical. The predecessor relationships (A, D), (D, H), (H, J), (J, L) and (L, M) determine the critical path.

  Starting in column T, we find columns with scheduling details for the activities. In the figure below we have hidden columns H through S for a better display. In order to find a solution it is necessary to sort the activities so that each activity is listed after all its predecessors. There is no guarantee that the user will enter activity data in the proper order, so the add-in creates the order required for the computations. Column T shows the indices of the nodes in the Project Network (described later) that refer the activities. The project network nodes are in the proper sorted order. Column T is colored green to indicate that the add-in has filled this column. For the example, the activities are in the required order.

Columns U through W show information necessary to schedule the activities. The Early Start is the earliest time that the activity may start. This number is based on the earliest time all of the predecessor are completed. The Late Start is the latest time the activity may start without delaying the completion time for the project. For critical activities these two numbers are the same. There is no flexibility in the starting time for critical activities. For non-critical activities, the differences between late and early times indicate flexibility in scheduling. The Slack time in column Y indicates the difference between latest start and earliest start times.

Columns W and X show the earliest and latest finish times for the activities. Again the times are the same for critical activities and different for non-critical activities. Column Z shows Near Critical activities. In practice it is important to identify all activities that are critical or almost critical for special attention. Any delay of these activities will delay the completion of the project. The number in cell Z7 controls how small an activity's slack time must be before it is identified as near critical.

All the numbers in columns U through Z are transferred by formulas from results for the Project Network. The network columns are placed to the right of column Z.




A series of buttons appear at the top of the worksheet after the problem has been solved. We discuss next the purpose of the buttons. The Change and Show Critical buttons were described earlier. Note that the word Function appears in cell B8. This indicates that Excel functions are used to solve for the critical path. The buttons are slightly different for the Algorithm option.

Clicking the Graph button constructs a graph of the project network that illustrates the precedence relations between activities and the critical path. The graph is on a separate worksheet



  The critical path computations provide the earliest and latest start times for activities but do not set the actual starting times. With unlimited resources, activities can all start at their earliest times. With limited resources it may be necessary to delay start times so that the resource limits are not exceeded, or at least violated as little as possible. The Schedule button constructs a new worksheet for this purpose. The Schedule worksheet is described on a later page of this section.


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Operations Management / Industrial Engineering
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved