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Operations Research Models and Methods
Computation Section
Subunit Combinatorics
 -Sequencing Problem
Shortest Processing Rule Example

To model a sequencing problem, choose Sequence from the Combinatorics menu. We start with a simple case described by the dialog below. The problem has 6 jobs that must pass through a single stage of production. No setup time is required and there are no early or late schedules. These variations are illustrated later.

The worksheet is constructed using random data for job processing times. Two extra jobs are included. A start job is indexed 1 and an end job is indexed 8. The six jobs required by the dialog are indexed 2 through 7. The solution to this problem is a sequence beginning at start and passing through the six jobs and terminating at end. The variables defining this sequence are the next jobs listed in row 9 of the worksheet. The initial sequence performs the jobs in numeric order.

The solution to this problem is a tour so the form below identifies the problem type in cell D6 as a TSP. This cell is used by the Optimize add-in to control the search process. The other cells in rows 4 through 6 are used by the add-in and generally should not be changed. Cell F5 holds the formula for the objective function. Although the proper formula is provided for the problem at hand, the modeler may change the formula to represent features not modeled. Cells H4 and H5 hold feasibility conditions. The formulas provided require that all the entries in row 9 be greater than 0. Other feasibility conditions may be added by the modeler.


The data items for this example are the process times, the release times and the duration penalties, entered in rows 13, 14 and 15 respectively. A job occupies the production stage for the process time. The release time is the time that a job is available to begin processing. The duration penalty is multiplied by the job completion time to determine the objective value for a solution.

Computed quantities are presented in rows 17 through 26. Rows 17 through 19 and row 21 sort the data according to the current sequence. When the sequence corresponds to the job indices, as shown, the data is simply repeated on these lines.

Rows 22 and 23 computes with Excel formulas the start time and end time of each job for the given sequence. Row 26 computes the cost for each job by multiplying the completion time by the duration penalty. For this simple case, all duration penalties are 1, so all jobs are equally important with respect to completion time.

The subroutines of the Optimize add-in are used to find solutions to this combinatorial problem. When all the jobs have the same duration cost, a greedy solution found by selecting the shortest job first is the optimum. This is the default greedy algorithm for the Optimize add-in. To call the appropriate dialog, click the Search button on the worksheet. The dialog below is presented.

The results of the greedy process are shown below. Now the rows starting at row 17 present the job information sorted in order of the solution. The processing times on row 21 follow the SPT, the shortest processing time, rule. This is optimum when all duration penalties are 1 and there are no additional constraints on the solution.

The Chart button creates a Gantt chart of the solution. Either a vertical or horizontal presentation is allowed. Since the worksheet has 256 columns and over 65,000 rows, the vertical presentation is usually preferred. A column or row is required for each time interval. The total time for the example is too long to display on this page, but we show below the Gantt chart for an smaller example. The chart is created on a separate page from the data. The start and the end cell are colored white. The job cells are colored based on the index of the job. In order for a job to appear, it must have a processing time of at least 1. We have specified the processing times of the start and end as 1 so that they appear on the chart.

Example with Stages

It may be that a job may be required to pass through several stages of a production process. A system of this type is a flow shop since we are assuming that every job passes through all the stages, and the sequence of jobs at each stage is the same. To illustrate stages and setup times we create a second example.

The data for the example is shown below. The solution is obtained with exhaustive enumeration, only possible because the problem has only six jobs.

The computed results for the optimum solution are below. The finish time for the jobs are the end times for stage 3 of the system. There are two restrictions on when a job may begin at some stage. The job cannot begin on a stage until the setup and processing times for all previous jobs on that stage are complete. Also a job cannot begin on a stage until the job is finished on the previous stage. At stage 1, a job cannot begin until its release time. When both the restrictions are satisfied, the job begins.

The effects of setup times are illustrated by the partial Gantt chart at the left. The first job (after start) is job 6 with a setup time of 1 and a processing time of 6. Setup times are in black and job 6 has the brown color in the Gantt chart. Although stage 1 processing is complete and job 6 is available for stage 2 at time 7, it cannot begin processing at stage 2 because of the setup time of 9 periods for job 6 at stage 2. Note that we are assuming that a job can be setup for the next stage during an idle time before the job actually is available. After completion of stage 2, job 6 can immediately begin on stage 3. The setup time for job 6 on stage 3 is performed before job 6 arrives. There are some time intervals near the bottom of the figure with no color. During these periods the stages are idle. For example stage 3 is idle for one period from time 41 to 42. Job 3 does not arrive until time 46 and the 4 periods of setup time need not begin until time 42. In general, stage 1 will remain entirely occupied until all jobs are complete in stage 1. Later stages may have idle times.

The exhaustive enumeration procedure generates and evaluates all feasible solutions. The best 19 of these are shown below. The optimum solution is evaluated twice.

Early Start and Late Finish

We use the same data as the last example, but allow scheduled start and finish times by clicking the check boxes.

The data for the example is below. Rows 9 and 10 hold the optimum solution. The default value for the scheduled start is 0 and the default value for scheduled finish is a large number, so the default values do not affect the solution. We have specified a scheduled finish of 100 for job 1 and a schedule start and finish for job 3 of 110 and 150. In addition we provide a nonzero release time of 50 for job 6. All these restrictions are violated for the optimum solution obtained in the last section except the scheduled finish for job 3.


The results are shown in the arrays starting at low 28. Row 28 has the optimum sequence job titles and row 29 holds the associated indices. The release times, process times and setup times are repeated but sorted according to the solution. The start and end times for the three stages are computed.

From the solution we see that job 6 begins processing in stage 1 at time 50, exactly its specified release time. Release times are hard restrictions in that a job cannot be started on the first stage until it is released. Job 3 has a scheduled start time of 110. We see from the results that the start time for job 2 is 112. The program penalizes start times that are before the scheduled start but does not penalize start times after the scheduled start. Row 47 shows a positive value if a job is started early, the difference between the scheduled start and the actual start in stage 1. Note that setup for the job may take place before the job is actually started.

Finish times will be penalized if they occur after a scheduled finish. For the example we see that job 3 is finished (end for stage 3) at time 152. The scheduled finish is 150, so the job is late by 2 periods. The lateness is computed in row 48. The finish time for job 1 is 84, well below the scheduled finish of 100, so this job is not late.

Rows 50, 51 and 52 hold the costs computed for duration, early start and late finish. The objective function value is the sum of the yellow colored cells of these rows.

The combination of early scheduled start and late scheduled finish is usually called a time window for sequencing problems. This example treats time windows as soft constraints. Early starts and late finishes are penalized but not prohibited.

The results shown here were determined by exhaustive enumeration. The same solution was obtained for 10 random searches, each followed by the 2-change procedure. Some combination of heuristic methods will be necessary for larger problems. The number of columns on a worksheet limit problems to about 120 jobs. Even heuristic methods will have trouble with this size problem, because every solution tested requires an evaluation of the worksheet.

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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved