ABOUT THIS SOFTWARE This software is designed for use with Edward Scheinerman's undergraduate textbook "Invitation to Dynamical Systems" published by Prentice-Hall. The software is copyright (c) 1995 by Edward R. Scheinerman. It may be used freely by anyone who owns a copy of the aforementioned text. This software was created with and designed to be used with MATLAB (version 4.0 or higher). If you would like to view this information from within MATLAB, copy the contents of the diskette into a subdirectory or folder of your MATLAB directory or folder and make sure that the directory or folder is on your MATLAB path. From within MATLAB, cd to that directory or folder and enter "type readme" at the MATLAB prompt. OBTAINING THE SOFTWARE These programs are available on disk -- just complete and mail the postcard included with your copy of "Invitation to Dynamical Systems". Be sure to select the computing platform (Mac or Windows) you prefer. The programs are also available via FTP on the Internet from either ftp.mathworks.com in the directory /pub/books/scheinerman or brutus.mts.jhu.edu in the directory /pub/scheinerman/invitation/software If you use a Unix machine, you can copy the binary file "soft.tar" from the /pub/scheinerman/invitation directory on brutus.mts.jhu.edu to your own machine. Put "soft.tar" in its own directory and then give the command tar xf soft.tar All the files will then be unpacked and you can then delete the "soft.tar" file. ON THE WEB You may also like to visit the "Invitation to Dynamical Systems" home page on the World Wide Web. The URL is http://www.mts.jhu.edu/~ers/invite.html This page provides access to the software FTP archives as well as other useful information and some pretty pictures. GETTING STARTED First, nearly all the programs are designed to be run under MATLAB. MATLAB is produced by The MathWorks (info@mathworks.com). A student edition of MATLAB is available through Prentice-Hall -- contact your book shop for details. At present, a discount is given if the student version of MATLAB is purchased together with a Prentice-Hall book (such as "Invitation to Dynamical Systems"). Second, a User's Guide is included in the "docs" directory (folder). Three versions of the Guide can be found there: * guide.tex A LaTeX source file for the Guide. If you have TeX, run latex on this file and print it out. * guide.ps If you do not have TeX, but have access to a PostScript printer, print this version. * guide.txt If all else fails, this is a "plain text" (ASCII) version of the Guide. This version will work on any computer and on any printer. CONTACTING THE AUTHOR Professor Edward R. Scheinerman Department of Mathematical Sciences The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland 21218 USA FAX: 410-516-7459 E-mail: ers@jhu.edu Web: http://www.brutus.mts.jhu.edu/~ers/ers.html DISCLAIMER These M-files are User Contributed Routines which are being redistributed by The MathWorks, upon request, on an "as is" basis. A User Contributed Routine is not a product of The MathWorks, Inc. Neither the MathWorks nor the author assume any responsibility for any errors that may exist in these routines.