%DRAW FRACTAL % % The DRAW FRACTAL control panel is used to instigate %the creation of the fractal images defined by all of %the existing functions currently labeled as "on" (see %FCN SELECTION). The fractal image is drawn in the same %graphics window where the functions' graphical %representations appeared. % DRAW FRACTAL does just that. The Control Panel is %covered, and a progress bar appears which indicates the %progress of the algorithm. % The ITERATIONS editable text box allows the user to %determine the number of points plotted (iterations %of the random fractal-drawing algorthim) in the fractal. %In the default window size of 535x560 pixels (see %GRAPHICS WINDOW), about 5000 iterations are needed to get %a good idea of what the fractal will look like, and %10,000 (the default setting) are usually sufficient to %generate a robust and pleasing image (multiple small-scale %functions may require more iterations for a robust image). %The user will want to experiment and find a number which %represents a balance between speed (a function of the %particulal computer) and image quality. The default value %of 10,000 may be changed by altering the value on line %59 of the program "fracctl.m". % The HOLD FUNCTION BOXES check box, when on, holds the %functions' graphical representations on the screen when %the fractal is drawn. Although this clutters the resuling %images, it does show clearly how each function makes its %own smaller copy of the fractal. % % ...Move the pointer over this window and % press any key to continue...