% The DRAWING INTERRUPTABLE check box, when on, creates %an INTERRUPT button over the Control Panel while the %fractal is being generated. It also updates the fractal %image periodically. Pressing the INTERRUPT button will %cause the the fractal generation process to terminate, and %the partial image generated up to that point becomes the %final image. Note that this interruption is not immediate, %especially on slower computers. When DRAWING INTERRUPTABLE %is on, the fractal generation process is somewhat slower. %The advantage is that the user may interrupt the process %whenever the fractal image is sufficiently well-defined. % Once the fractal has been drawn, a CONTINUE button %appears over the Control Panel. Pressing this button clears %the fractal image and returns the program to its function %entering/editing mode with all function settings unchanged. % A Note on memory capacity and image updating in the % DRAWING INTERRUPTABLE mode: in the student version of % MATLAB, a variable can contain at most 999 entries. This % is represented in the program "makefrac.m" on line 7 by % the variable "maxvar". This is the length of the vectors % containing the (x,y) plotting data generated for drawing % the fractal. Enough of these are calculated to complete % the desired number of iterations. When the DRAWING % INTERRUPTABLE mode is on, the program plots each data set % as it is generated. As a result, you may increase the % frequency of image updating in this mode by decreasing the % value of "maxvar" in the program. Similarly, the image % updating feature may be made faster but less frequent by % increasing this value. However, you SHOULD NOT set this % value higher than the maximum allowable variable size of % the MATLAB version you are using. % The progress bar is also updated every "maxvar" % iterations, so if (# of iterations)<(maxvar), the progress % bar will not move until after image is finished. However, % the program does execute slightly faster when this % inequality holds.