% FRACTORY consists of a CONTROL PANEL with numerous %controls (see individual HELP topics) and a GRAPHICS %WINDOW (see separate HELP listing). Modifications to %the functions may be made in either window. Numerical %data entered in the editable text boxes on the control %panel may take the form of a mathematical expression, such %as "2/3" or "sin(pi/6)", and will be automatically %evaluated. You may also use real variables defined in %this main MATLAB work space (which remains active while %FRACTORY is running). For example, you may type %"x=(sqrt(5)-1)/2" here, and then simply enter "x" in an %editable text box. % It is also possible to import and export IFS data to %the main MATLAB workspace. IF a function Ax+b is given by % [ a b ] [ e ] % A = [ c d ] , b = [ f ] , %then IFS data may be stored in the form of a Kx6 matrix, %each of whose rows is of the form [a b c d e f], and %represents one function from the IFS. To import an %existing Kx6 matrix M into FRACTORY, in this window type %"save FNAME M -ascii" (where FNAME is a filename of your %choice), and then load the file FNAME into FRACTORY (see %OTHER BUTTONS help listing). To export fractal data in %this form to the main MATLAB workspace, save it in %FRACTORY as FNAME (see OTHER BUTTONS help listing), and %then in this window type "load FNAME -ascii". The data %is now stored as the matrix FNAME. % Please note that FRACTORY does not handle the %unexpected very well. If it appears to be misbehaving or %injured, simply quit (or quit its two windows manually) %and restart it.