% All objects in the graphics window distort to conform %to the size of the window. If you change the window size, %you may distort the images, but you will not loose them or %cut them off. If your screen is not large enough to fit %the entire GRAPHICS WINDOW, don't panic! You can customize %the size of the GRAPHICS WINDOW to fit your screen, or for %any other reason (do not try to resize the Control Panel; %it has to be exactly that big). Here's how... % Using whatever text editor you have handy, open up the %file called "fracgrx.m" and go to the 8th line, which %reads "set(Gscr,'Position',[395 100 535 560]);". These %are numbers of pixels. This means that the bottom left- %hand corner of the GRAPHICS WINDOW is 395 pixel to the %right of, and 100 pixels above, the lower left-hand corner %of the screen. The window is 535 pixels wide and 560 %pixels tall. You can change these numbers, save the file, %run the program FRACTORY to observe the results, and then %QUIT and try again if you're not satisfied. % If you've manually changed the window size to something %you're happy with and want to make this permanent,... % Go into the main MATLAB workspace (without QUITing %FRACTORY), and type % set(Gscr,'Units','pixels') % get(Gscr,'Position') %This will return the current co-ordinates of the window, %which you may then enter on line 8 of "fracgrx.m" as %described above. QUIT and restart FRACTORY before %continuing. % In this fashion you can make your GRAPHICS WINDOW %always pop up at your favorite size. However, if you do %adjust the size, try to get the final product as close to %a square as posible, to give you the best representation %of what's really there.