%OTHER BUTTONS % % Hopefully you've already figured out how the HELP %button works, and you're reading this on the main %MATLAB workspace. All available controls are still %operational. Press the CLOSE HELP MENU button to remove %the help options and restore the SQUARE TRANSFORMATION %control panel. % The AX+B button replaces the SQUARE TRANSFORMATION %control panel with a window entitled "Ax+b Data." This %window dislays the matrix A and the vector b of the %linear transformation Ax+b which is the current function. %All other controls, including the Function Selection Box, %are still operational, and changing the current function %updates A and b displays. You may also enter values or %expressions here manually (see GENERAL help). Press the %CLOSE AX+B BOX button to remove the "Ax+b Data" window %and restore the SQUARE TRANSFORMATION control panel. % The SAVE button allows you to save all IFS data on the %functions currently in the FRACTORY workspace. It does %not save session-specific settings, such as the %Function On settings, Number of Iterations, etc. When you %press the SAVE button, a window will open above it with an %editable text box. Click in the box, then type the name %under which you want your current functions to be saved. %The data is stored in a suffixless ASCII file of that %name. This data may be loaded into the main MATLAB %workspace (see GENERAL help). If a suffixless file by %that name already exists, the message "Replace existing?" %and a YES button will appear. Either press the YES button %if you want to overwrite your old file, or press CANCEL to %abort. The CANCEL button may be pressed at any time to %remove the Save window. % % ...Move the pointer over this window and % press any key to continue...