CHEER Virtual Edition
Volume 11, Issue 1, 1997 Contents

Up: HomePublicationsCHEER Journal

* Editorial


* Economic Optimisation using Excel's Solver: a macroeconomic application and some comments regarding its limitations
     John Houston

* Linear Programming on the Web
     Ziggy MacDonald

* The developing electronic library
     Terry Hanson

* SOSIG Revisited
     Debra Hiom and Lesly Huxley

* Economics on the Internet: an opportunity to get involved
     Ros O'Leary and Catherine Sladen

* About NetEc, with special reference to WoPEc
     Thomas Krichel

* CHEER/CTI Centre for Economics Questionnaire results: a provisional overview
     Ros O'Leary


* Reports from the American Economic Association Computing sessions at the Allied Social Science Associations conference, New Orleans, January 1997
     Ros O'Leary, Guy Judge and Alan Freeman


* GiveWin and PcGive 9.0 for Windows
     Guy Judge

If you have any comments on CHEER, the editor, Guy Judge, is very happy to receive them. You can do that through a comments web form.