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Operations Research Models and Methods



We have received many e-mails regarding this site, the Excel add-ins and the book, and testimonials from some are repeated on this page. For privacy, we have not included the names of the writers, but where possible we give their locations and professions. In some cases entries have been edited for spelling and punctuation. We are always glad to receive mail with positive comments, suggestions or error reports. The add-ins have been corrected several times to respond to user comments. The Errata page includes all corrections we have received for the book.

8/27/04: Please add me to your email list, and thanks for some many useful resources! ... Well, I just bought your book online... the clincher was that you gave out the password to access the vba in your add-ins.

8/21/04: I am a graduate student for MD of Management School of Tian Jin University of China. I find your website by Google. And then I download many add-ins from your website. They really do me very much in OR and OM/IE. Before this it is difficult to study OR by computer for me, for many of us. Maybe I am the first one who use your excel add-in in my school .I will try my best to introduce your website to my colleagues as many as possible. I should say "thank you very much" to you and your website.

8/11/04: I'm a MBA student from Wharton working on a class project for eBay on creating a markov model of site. I came across your excel plug in on the web and I am extremely pleased with what I'm able to do with it. It is simply amazing.

7/21/04: An Engineer from Dallas: I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you have done with your add-ins and your site. You have single-handedly made me want to pursue my PHD in ORM .I use your add-ins constantly in my work and make sure my colleagues know about them. On any new computer installation I have it is one of the first enhancements of a base system I perform.

7/16/04: 21,000 visits to the main page since 7/22/03.

7/12/04: From Portugal: Congratulations for your excellent site and for the information you are supplying free of charge.

7/7/04: Karel de Grote-Hogeschool vzw, Antwerpen, BE: Just thought I'd let you know: I tried the addins out in Office 2003 (Windows Xp) and they work perfectly. Specifically I ran Forecasting, Inventory and Materials Requirement Planning.

From a book review in Interfaces, Vol. 34, No. 3, May-June 2004. Reviewed by John W. Fowler
Department of Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University

"I think this book is extremely well done and the supplementary materials do a great job of complementing (not repeating) the physical text. Having taught undergraduate and €rst-year graduate industrial-engineering students as well as MBA students, I think this book and the supplementary materials will meet the needs of the intended audiences. ... The separation of models and methods makes the book versatile and makes it a great reference text because one often needs help in formulating a problem or in solving it but does not want to have to sift through material that mixes the two.

6/19/04: Student from Denver, CO: First off, I would like to say that I've found your book to be very student friendly. I'm a grad student at the University of Denver and I'm working on this course while living in Alabama. The book is my main source of information. Because of that, I'm really trying to understand the examples and explanations. A list of corrections was included that have been incorporated into the Errata.

6/2/04: Hi, I'm a teacher from the UNAM, Mexico. I love your site and I will show it to my students.

5/18/04: Professor from Baku / AZERBAIJAN: The site (ORMM) itself and the facilities it provides are invaluable. I’ve been using your add-ins for a while for teaching and for some problems I need to solve, and I really appreciate your great effort to create these wonderful add-ins. It is doubtlessly a virtuous thing that you share them with us. Thank you for your help.

5/11/04: I was looking a way for improve the macros that I've in XL (looking to convert to an add-
in) and I found your web page. I found the "components" file (from Do-it-Yourself) VERY useful.
Your website is very complete and really nice presented.

From a book review in IIE Trans. Operations Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 9, 2003. Reviewed by David Goldsman, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology.
"Every once in a while, a clever text comes along that breathes a nice dose of fresh air into the mature field of Operations Research (OR). The Jensen and Bard book is one such welcome example." ... "The web site is impressive, both for its content and ease of navigation." ... "I feel that the book is extremely well written, interesting, and unique among OR texts; it certainly approaches the topic areas from a new perspective. This is an excellent text that I believe professors and students will enjoy and gain a lot from its use."

From a Spanish company that work in Data Mining
3/12/04: We developed a model based on Markov Chains for a bank company and your Add-ins for Excel have been very useful.

From a professor in Belgium
3/10/04: The MRP-add-in works perfectly.
2/4/04: Once again, your optimization software is amazing friendly and very accurate. Congratulations.

2/3/04: Paul, I'm a new visitor to your site (and found it quite interesting).

From the Netherlands
1/20/04: Thanks for your effort! I have been looking for a Bayes add-in for Excel for 2 months and wasn't able to find your site. Yesterday, by luck, I browsed Google-pictures for "bayes" and came across your site.

From a professor of applied statistics in Caracas Venezuela
1/9/04: Hello, let me congratulate you for you exceptional material add ins

From a professor in United Kingdom
1/6/04: This is a wonderful facility you have given here. My students will find these add-ins very very useful. I am grateful to you for this.

12/13/03: Nice presentation and organization!

Researcher in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, Turkey
12/12/03: I really thank you for your very useful web pages. I am studying on the optimization of irrigation networks with minimum spanning tree, out of kilter and shortest path methods. Especially open channel networks.

From a former student working for a bank in Mexico
12/1/03: I remember you use to have great efficient Microsoft Excel Solver Add-Ins, and I really need to get more familiarized. This is because I am working for a Bank down here who wants to optimize their cycle time.

11/25/03: I just found your page and it looks really great to me. The topic, that I am interested in most, is production planning.

Corporate Finance
11/4/03: I found your web site most interesting and would most definitely like to be added to your mailing list. I have been using VBA for some time now but would like to become a bit more sophisticated in terms of usage. I believe that your web site will be ideal for me to achieve this.

Lecturer from Thailand
10/28/03: I think your provided addins would be of great benefits to my students, especially when the sensitivity and detailed report are available.

Visiting fellow at the University of Calgary
10/27/03: My home University is University of Lagos, Dept of Computer Science. I came across your material on the web and I was impressed and interested in your work.

10/25/03: I would like to say thank you for the add ins which you have provided on your web site which have been of great help to my work.

Hotel Consultant from South Africa
10/21/03: May I begin by thanking you for the wonderful and edifying content of your web site. My company has been asked to add forecasting capabilities to a software product of ours, and the forecast.xla spreadsheet and your site have gone a great distance towards making this bearable for myself and my nerds, none of whom are exactly statisticians.

From a professor in Belgium
10/14/03: I am teaching “production management” in engineering classes (30 students each year). You have a marvelous site.

10/14/03: I am a student at Bandung Institute of Technology in Industrial Engineering Department. I am very interested about your creation especially in making add-ins.

Professor from Hong Kong
10/9/03: I have come across your new book on Operations Research: Models and Methods. I have also read your older book on Network Flow Programming and have visited your web site. on the integer programming and network programming classes. I really think they are excellent.

9/29/03: I run these ideas by you because I have enjoyed looking at your excellent Excel Addins. 

Engineer from a company in the Netherlands
9/25/03: Searching on the Internet for optimization methods in Excel I found your web site. My compliments for the way you translate the theory to practice.

Programmer from California, USA
9/9/03: I am impressed with your forecast add-in and I was wondering how much you would charge to allow me to get the password to your .xla file so that I can convert the forecasting formulas to use with a Visual Basic 6 forecasting program for my company. Response: No charge.

9/1/03: I'm currently doing production planning for my master project. Thanks for the Excel addins.

Engineer from Virginia, USA
8/28/03: I was browsing your web site. and found it to be very interesting.

Manufacturing Designer from Virginia, USA
8/1/03: One of our engineers was looking for Excel plug-ins and ran across your posted plug-ins. Question came up whether we could use them for commercial applications or not. Thanks for posting the plug-ins. Response: They can be used.

EE-student Koethen (Germany)
6/17/03: Now I work on my seminar paper, that deals on topic in image processing. By solving my specific problem I came in contact with constrained optimization for my first time. So I found your web-site and your great effort in teaching optimization for engineers.

Student from France
6/4/03: I am a student interested in mathematical programming and I thank you for your web pages on the subject.

Student of Computer Science degree at Medellín, Colombia
5/14/03: I have been working on several projects in the Quantitative Methods and Simulation fields on the past, which have led me into finding lots of useful information and research all around the world. But it was only today when I found your excellent UTA web site. about Operations Research. I browsed through a lot of your Addins, and got amazed by the high functionality and excellent modeling of them.This letter is just to say a big "Thanks!" for all the effort, time and dedication that you put into your work. It really is encouraging to see all of what you have accomplished.

Research assistant in a university in Turkey
5/2/03: The subject of my research thesis is about queuing systems. I search all things about it. There is some PC programs to solve queuing problems, but I realize that they are not sufficient. I met your web site by coincidence, I admit I am really affected.

4/13/03: I am a graduate student of National University of Singapore. Your courseware and lecture notes are well known.

Software Engineer in Bombay, India
4/7/03: We find the content provided by your web-site (Network Flow Programming) very useful and this letter is in regards to using the content of your web-site for educational purposes. We thank you for creating such a useful web-site. Response: You are welcome to use them for educational purposes.

4/3/03: I am an outreach student from Puerto Rico at Auburn University (Alabama).  I am enrolled in the Industrial and Systems Engineering masters program.  I am interested in joining the club. You have done a great job with this site!!

2/22/03: I just found your site today and am VERY impressed. Thank you for providing us with this.

1/8/03: Thanks for sharing the add-ins.  They work great! We would like to create a dedicated MINIF and MAXIF add-in, since your DECISION.XLA is rather large, at 500k+.  Unfortunately, it is password protected, preventing us for trimming out the other code.  Would you be willing to share the password so we can create the simplified versions of MINIF and MAXIF? Response: The password is given on the web site

Professor from Univ. of Economics, Prague
1/6/03: I have to thank you for the splendid book you've written and for the web site. It is so powerfully tool to learn the operations research that it is even hard to believe it!

Comments from 2002

I love the add-ins you have made available on the web. I am a Mathematica user who enjoys reading Bobby Treats posts to MathGroup (a sort of online forum for hard-core Mathematica users). After following one of his hyperlinks to your Excel page, I quickly became absorbed in the material. I've never spent any real time with Excel until now and I am enjoying your software thoroughly.

Thanks so much for making the Excel Addin's available. And especially thanks for the source and the Flash Animations. I am just beginning with Excel and Flash Programming and it is wonderful to see all that can be done.

Professor University of Minnesota
You two have done a great job! The web site and examples was a real epiphany: I had no idea that this subject was so fascinating.

I am a student studying at the University of Hull and am taking on a final year project with the title 'Using queuing theory study the impact of scheduling algorithms on job throughput in a multitasking environment'. Basically, I have found your queue.xla add-in very useful in my research.

Professor from Malaysia: I am teaching a course in OR and find your book an excellent teaching aid.

I'm pursuing a Doctorate in engineering management at SMU part-time. You web site. has been very helpful and informative for operations know-how. I can't get over the fact it's so open. Thank you.

Just a quick "Thank You" for making all the materials (educational, Excel add-ins, links, etc) available on your web site. I'm sure it will be very useful to me and many others.

I work at the University of Economics and I have lecture of Operations Research where I use your programs (Excel). However, not all the students understand the given instructions since they have problems with English. Therefore, I would like to translate them (just the instructions) into Polish.

This past summer I taught a small graduate course in Supply Chain Models and Optimization and used some of your addins extensively. I thought you might like to know that they were very well received. We used mainly the LP/IP, Distribution and Network Addins, and the students thought they were very useful and easy to use.

School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University: I would be very interested in a copy of your book - I have used your add-ins and have found your site extremely helpful.

I came across your web site by a search from Goggle on "methods of operation research". I really enjoyed browsing through all your pages. I like the many explained examples.

As professor of Operations Research, I feel very interested about your book OR Models and Methods. This book is focused in something I have been talking about with all my students and other professor: that OR teaching should focus in the use of software, specially the Excel.



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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved