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Operations Research Models and Methods


Operations Research


The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences


The INFORMS Special Interest Group on Education. Links to educational resources.
This site promotes the profession of operations research to executives. It is sponsored by INFORMS.
The site is to help the person learning, doing or selling OR to promote his or her business, career and profession. It is sponsored by INFORMS.

INFORMS Resource Page/Computer Packages


Michael Trick's Operations Research Page

The most complete privately-maintained list of OR/MS-related links

Harvey Greenberg's Course on Linear Programming

A variety of instructional resources for mathematical programming, including an extensive glossary of terms specific to mathematical programming, a collection of myths and counterexamples, and a short course for Linear Programming. The site was created and is maintained by Harvey Greenberg at the University of Colorado at Denver.
The developer of the Solver program used in Excel. The site contains product information and trouble reports.
Special website from Frontline Systems specifically stressing the Excel Solver.

University of Texas Program on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering

 Information about the University of Texas program in OR/IE.

 Paul A. Jensen

Information about the author.
Information about the author.



Macro Systems

Macro Systems provides Excel add-ins that save you time whenever you use Microsoft Excel. Their product, the Spreadsheeet Assistant, is the number one downloaded add-in for Excel and is rated #1 by Zdnet, PC World and PC Mag. You can also get downloadable books on Excel Visual Basic macros from Macro Systems and other time savings add-ins.
Home of Excel add-ins which offer improved facilities to Excel 97, Excel 2000 and Excel 2002
Quick and Dirty task guides for Excel from One on One Computer Training Company.
Direct Optimizer is a free nonlinear optimization Add-In for Microsoft
Excel versions 97 and later. It is based on the Hooke-Jeeves algorithm, supports simple bounds for the variables, and has been used to minimize for example the Extended Rosenbrock test function (the famous "banana valley" function) for 100000 variables in less than 20 hours on an out-dated Pentium II PC. The author is Jorma Kuha.



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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved