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Operations Research Models and Methods
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Subunit Do it Yourself
 - ORMM Functions

A function is a program component that returns a result. It can be used in VBA programs or used directly in a cell of the worksheet. Many of the add-ins provide functions that can be used directly on a user's worksheet without the data forms constructed by the add-in. When the add-in is installed, the functions available to the user are listed in the user-defined function category of Excel's function list. The list is obtained by choosing the Paste Function command that appears with a script fx icon on the Standard Toolbar. The list is also displayed with the Insert/Function command from the Insert menu item as shown at the left.

The list when the Random Variables add-in installed is illustrated below. In this case the complete list of functions is shown in the dialog. For other add-ins the last may too long to display and the scroll bar must be used to see them. In the following we show long add-in lists with several screen shots. Because of scrolling limitations, some names near the bottom of the lists may appear twice.

The functions listed in the dialog are public functions. Some add-ins use private functions. These only available to the add-in where they are located and are not displayed as a user defined function.

On this page we describe functions from add-ins reached from the Add ORMM dialog and on the next page we describe functions reached from the Add OMIE dialog. If an add-in is not listed, it provides no useful functions.

All the functions provided by a particular add-in are prefaced by appropriate letters. For example all the functions dealing with queuing have the preface "Q_" and all the functions related to random variables have the preface "RV_". The preface convenient because the functions related to a particular activity appear together in the user-defined functions dialog. The prefix is also important so that functions have unique names. All public functions in all installed add-ins are available to the Excel user, so to avoid confusion, each must have a different name. The prefix is also necessary for the add-ins that include a Relink command.

In some cases it is easy to extract a function from its add-in by simply copying and pasting from one program module to another. In other cases this is not so easily done because a function may call other functions or subroutines in the add-ins. In the discussions below we try to indicate this.

It is important to note that when user defined functions are placed on a worksheet, they link to the add-in that created them. When opening a workbook that contains user-defined functions on a different computer than the one that created the functions, a message will appear that the worksheet contains links and asks whether to try to re-establish the links. Answer No to that question. Most of the add-ins have a Relink command that rewrites all functions that appear in data forms and all functions that begin a formula in a cell. This command only corrects the references on the active worksheet. When functions are imbedded in a complex formula, they will not be corrected by the Relink command. The Link command under the Excel Edit menu provides a reliable but less convenient way to change the links to the resident add-in.

Random Variable Functions

The Random Variables add-in has a variety of functions that compute results regarding probability distributions and perform Monte Carlo simulations. The functions all have the prefix RV_. These functions are on several modules in the add-in and they are difficult to move because they are so large. The functions provide results for a number of named discrete and continuous named distributions. The best way to use them is to have the Random Variables add-in installed.

The list of functions is shown in the dialog above. RV_rand, RV_sim and RV_simV each return a simulated observation of a random variable, while the others provide moments or probability values for the distributions. Complete descriptions are found on the pages describing the add-in.

In addition to their use in the forms constructed by the add-in, the functions may be used independently for other applications. Examples appear below. Most of the functions have a range argument that holds the name and parameters of the distribution. The figure below shows three examples. The first involves a discrete triangular distribution. The range consists of several cells in a column with the first holding the distribution name. The remaining cells hold the parameters necessary to define the distribution. In the case of the triangular, the lower limit, mode and upper limit are necessary, requiring three additional cells.

The middle example involves a Normal distribution. Its name and parameters are in the range F12:F14 that has been assigned the name RV3. The function calls to the right use the name rather than the explicit range definition.

The bottom example shows that the data can be arranged in a row rather than a column.



Queue Functions

The Queue add-in has a variety of functions that compute results concerning Markovian and Non-Markovian queues. It is difficult to withdraw the individual functions from the add-in, but the functions all reside in a single module. It can be copied in its entirety and pasted in a different workbook or add-in.

The queuing functions are all prefaced by "Q_" or "QS_". Non-Markovian queues have the suffix "_NM". Functions with the "QS_" prefix are used in the queue simulation option. The user-defined functions from the Queue add-in are shown below.

Most of the functions for queuing have an argument which refers to the range of the data defining the queue parameters. This range consists of three to five cells holding in order: the arrival rate, service rate, number of servers, maximum number in the system and population size. The last two are optional arguments that if not specified are assumed to be very large. The range can be arranged in either a row or column as illustrated below. If the range has a name, the name can be used for the argument. The add-in constructs a form and places the queue definition range and the functions on the form. The functions can be easily used independently to provide queue results in any worksheet application.

Decision Analysis Functions

The Decision Analysis add-in provides four functions that are similar to Excel functions Max, Min, Match and SumProduct, but adds a condition that identifies the cells to be included in the operation. The functions are listed below with a definition of their parameters. Their names do not have an identifying prefix.

  • MinIF(A, k, B): for the set of entries in the array A that are equal to k, find the minimum of the corresponding set of entries in the array B.
  • MaxIF(A, k, B): for the set of entries in the array A that are equal to k, find the maximum of the corresponding set of entries in the array B.
  • MatchIF(A, k, B, m): for the set of entries in the array A that are equal to k, find the index of the entry in array B whose value is the same as m. Return the corresponding index of B.
  • SumProductIF(A, k, B, C): for the set of entries in the array A that are equal to k, find the corresponding sum of the products of the elements of B and C. Return the sum of the products.

In each case A and B (and C for SumProductIF) are equal length arrays on the worksheet. k and m are numbers, letters or references to a cells. The functions are simular to the SUMIF Excel function. The figure below shows examples of the functions.

Forecast Functions

The functions in Forecast can be easily extracted because they are each stand-alone. That is, most do not call other functions. Several of them have been included in the paj_components workbook.

The list of functions is shown below, and each function has the prefix FF_. In most cases, range arguments are single rows or columns.


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved