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Sparse Bartels-Golub Method

Note that both Reid’s Method and Sparse Bartel’s-Golub Method use this code. The only difference is that Reid’s Method calls the reidrotate method. This call is commented out in the code below, but functions properly if the comment mark is removed.

function solution = sbg (c, A, b, eps1, eps2, eps3, bfs)
%	Solves:  minimize cx	subject to Ax <= b & x>= 0

%	m		number of rows in A
%	n		number of columns in A
%	B_indices	vector of columns in A comprising the solution basis
%	V_indices	vector of columns in A not in solution basis

[m n] = size(A)
B_indices = find(bfs);
V_indices = find(ones(1,n) - abs(sign(bfs)));

sbg_nnz = zeros(5000,2);

% Simplex method loops continuously until solution is found or discovered
% to be impossible.


while 1==1
refactors = refactors + 1;

%	L		lower triangular factor of the basis
%	U		upper triangular factor of the basis
%	pt		row permutation factor due to partial pivoting
%			during LU factorization of the basis
%	Q		column permutation vector

B = A(:,B_indices);

Qinv = colmmd(B);
[L U pt] = lu(B(:,Qinv));

%	Qinv		reverse column permutation of Q

Q(Qinv) = [1:m];

%	Parray		array of row permutations that develop during
%			the Bartels-Golub method

eta_limit = 0.68*nnz(L);

Parray = sparse(zeros(eta_limit, m));
Parray(1,:) = ([1:m] * pt') - [1:m];
numP = 1;

%	eta_array	array of eta matrices that develop during the
%			Bartels-Golub method

numeta = 1;
eta_array = zeros(eta_limit + 5, 3);

eta_temp = eta_decomposition(L);
eta_rows = size(eta_temp,1);
eta_array(numeta+1:numeta+eta_rows, :) = eta_temp;
numeta = numeta + eta_rows;

ok = 1;

while (numeta < eta_limit & ok)

sbg_nnz(iters,1) = nnz(A(:,B_indices));
sbg_nnz(iters,2) = nnz(L) + nnz(U) + numeta;

%	Step 1
%	compute B^-1

%	Rather, solve z=Bx when necessary to take advantage of U's 
%	structure.

%	Step 2
%	compute d = B^-1 * b

%	dtemp		accumulating value of d during eta matrix computation
%	lp		counting variable to identify row permutations
%	z		loop variable
%	d		current solution vector

dtemp = b;
lp = 1;

for z = 1:numeta
  if (eta_array(z,1) == 0)	% Time to permute
    dtemp = dtemp(Parray(lp,:) + [1:m], :);
    lp = lp + 1;
  else				% Still working on L^-1
    row = eta_array(z,2);
    col = eta_array(z,3);
    dtemp(row,:) = dtemp(row,:) + eta_array(z,1) * dtemp(col,:);

d = U(:,Q) \ dtemp;

if (norm(A(:,B_indices)*d - b, inf) > eps3)
  ok = 0;

%	Step 3/Step 4/Step 5
%	compute c_tilde = c_V - c_B * B^-1 * V

%	ctemp		accumulating value during eta matrix computation
%	c_tilde		modified cost vector

ctemp = A(:,V_indices);
lp = 1;

for z = 1:numeta
  if (eta_array(z,1) == 0)	% Time to permute
    ctemp = ctemp(Parray(lp,:) + [1:m], :);
    lp = lp + 1;
  else				% Still working on L^-1
    row = eta_array(z,2);
    col = eta_array(z,3);
    ctemp(row,:) = ctemp(row,:) + eta_array(z,1) * ctemp(col,:);

ctemp = U(:,Q) \ ctemp;

c_tilde = zeros(1,n);
c_tilde(:,V_indices) = c(:,V_indices) - c(:,B_indices) * ctemp;

%	Step 6
%	compute j s.t. c_tilde[j] <= c_tilde[k] for all k in V_indices

%	cj		minimum cost value (negative) of non-basic columns
%	j		column in A corresponding to minimum cost value

[cj j] = min(c_tilde);

%	Step 7
%	if cj >= 0 , then we're done -- return solution which is optimal

if cj >= -eps1
  solution = zeros(n,1);
  solution(B_indices,:) = d;

%	Step 8
%	otherwise, compute w = B^-1 * a[j]

%	wtemp		accumulating value of w during eta matrix computation
%	w		relative weight (vector) of column entering the basis

wtemp = A(:,j);
lp = 1;

for z = 1:numeta
  if (eta_array(z,1) == 0)	% Time to permute
    wtemp = wtemp(Parray(lp,:) + [1:m], :);
    lp = lp + 1;
  else				% Still working on L^-1
    row = eta_array(z,2);
    col = eta_array(z,3);
    wtemp(row,:) = wtemp(row,:) + eta_array(z,1) * wtemp(col,:);

w = U(:,Q) \ wtemp;

%	Step 9
%	compute i s.t. w[i]>0 and d[i]/w[i] is a smallest positive ratio

%	mn		minimum of d[i]/w[i] when w[i] > 0
%	i		row corresponding to mn -- detemines outgoing column
%	k		temporary storage variable

mn = inf;
i = 0;

zz = find (w > eps1)' ;
[yy, ii] = min (d(zz) ./ w (zz)) ;
i = zz(ii(1)) ;

if (i == 0)
  error ('System is unbounded.');

k = B_indices(i);
B_indices(i) = j;
V_indices(j == V_indices) = k;

%%%%%%% Update U %%%%%%%	** Bartels-Golub **
%	P * U * Q = M(r) * M(r-1) * ... * M(1) * B

U = A(:,B_indices);
U = U(:,Qinv);
lp = 1;

for z = 1:numeta
  if (eta_array(z,1) == 0)	% Time to permute
    U = U(Parray(lp,:) + [1:m],:);
    lp = lp + 1;
  else				% Still working on L^-1
    row = eta_array(z,2);
    col = eta_array(z,3);
    U(row,:) = U(row,:) + eta_array(z,1) * U(col,:);

% U will be the same as the U that started this iteration with the exception
% of a spike in the column that corresponds to the column that was replaced 
% in B (column i)

% 	lside		left side and top of bump (column/row in U)
%	bside		right side and bottom of bump (column/row in U)

lside = Q(i);
bside = max(find(U(:,lside)));

%	Ptemp		determines entire row permutation for this
%			iteration of Bartels-Golub

Ptemp = [1:m];
numeta = numeta + 1;
if (numeta < eta_limit)
  eta_array = [eta_array; 0 0 0];
  end;  % if

% (Reid's method rotates the columns and rows here)
% reidrotate;
% Q(Qinv) = [1:m];

if (lside < bside)

%% Now do the Hessenberg permutation that was proposed in the sparse Bartels-
%% Golub algorithm

	U    = U   (:, [1:lside-1 lside+1:bside lside bside+1:m]);
	Qinv = Qinv(:, [1:lside-1 lside+1:bside lside bside+1:m]);
	Q(Qinv) = [1:m];

% And factor the Hessenberg portion of U, updating eta_array and Parray as
% necessary.

%	newL		lower triangular factor of the bump
%	newU		upper triangular factor of the bump
%	newP		row permutation occurring during LU factorization
%			of the bump

	[newL newU newP] = lu(U(lside:bside, lside:bside));

	% Fix U
	U(lside:bside, :) = newP * U(lside:bside, :);
	U(lside:bside,lside:bside) = newU;

	if (bside < m)
	  U(lside:bside, bside+1:m) = newL \ U(lside:bside, bside+1:m);

	% Fix P (Parray)
	Ptemp(lside:bside) = Ptemp(lside:bside) * newP';

	% Fix L (eta_array)
	Ltemp = eye(m);
	Ltemp(lside:bside, lside:bside) = newL;
	new_etas = eta_decomposition(Ltemp);
	if (new_etas ~= [])
		eta_rows = size(new_etas,1);
		eta_array(numeta+1:numeta+eta_rows, :) = new_etas;
		numeta = numeta + eta_rows;
		end;	% if
	end;	% if

Ptemp = Ptemp - [1:m];
Parray(numP+1,:) = Ptemp;
numP = numP + 1;

%	Step 10

end;	% while

end;  %while