In this folder, you see the following: 1) file _semushin-npnr2013.pdf = 51 066 866 byte of 22.01.2014 22:35 (Moscow time) 2) file _semushin-npnr+yamamoto.pdf = 51 839 849 byte of 23.01.2014 08:58 (Moscow time) 3) folder _movies-mov = a set of movies included into both files 4) folder _sounds = a sound file included into both files Both files are identical to each other in their first (main) part that is my electronic study guide. The first file contains this first part only. Although it contains the link to the second part, this second part is absent here. The second file does contain the second part. I included it seamlesly after the first part by the courtesy of Professor Yamamoto (Kyoto University). My recommendations for more complete perceptin of the material - Use (download): 1. NOT the first, but the SECOND file: _semushin-npnr+yamamoto.pdf. 2. Download both folders and place them into the same directory where _semushin-npnr+yamamoto.pdf has been places. Good luck! Innokentiy Semushin