1941, a Russian physicist and mathematician, Dr. of
Science, Professor, Honoured educationalist of higher Russian school, the
author (coauthor) of about 200 articles and books devoted mainly to the
stochastic transport theory, cosmic ray physics, stochastic fractal
systems and processes.
State University - the head of the chair of theoretical and
mathematical physics. Ulyanovsk, Russia |

1959-1973 |
Polytechnical University - student, post-graduate student, junior member
of teaching, senior lecturer, the head of the chair of theoretical and
experimental physics. |
1973-1990 |
State University - reader, the head of the chair of theoretical physics,
the dean of the physical faculty, vice-rector. |
1990-1995 |
State University - professor, head of a chair, dean of the
physical-technical faculty, vice-rector of the MSU branch in Ulyanovsk.
1995- 2000 |
State University - head of the chair of theoretical and mathematical
physics, the director of Institute for Theoretical Physics.
1996 -
Max-Planck-Institute fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany.
2000 - The Institute
of Mathematics at the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland.
2002, 2003, 2004 -
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, The Nottingham
Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
2004 -
Max-Planck-Institute fuer Physik Komplexer Systems
Dresden, Germany.
Present field of interest:
-- Monte Carlo methods,
-- integro-differential equations of
fractional orders and their applications,
-- Levy-stable statistics and
processes with an infinite variance,
-- stochastic fractal structures,
random processes with memory,
-- anomalous diffusion,
-- non-Debay
-- plasma turbulence,
-- large scale structure of the
Scientific biography and main
The Ph.D. thesis of V.V. Uchaikin concerned application of
the perturbation theory to theoretical problems of radiation shielding and
gamma-defectoscopy. His main results of that period are the theory of images
blurred by Compton scattering of radiation, the Monte Carlo algorithm of
calculation of influence of local inhomogeneities, generalized perturbation
theory applied to transition effects in cosmic ray physics.
Since 1973 till 1989, V.V. Uchaikin worked in the Altai State University
(Barnaul, Russia ). His scientific group became known through development of
stochastic transport theory for high-energy particles in cosmic rays,
introducing the adjoint approach to cascade theory, numerical investigation of
the spatial distributions in electromagnetic component of extensive atmospheric
showers (EAS), creation of the two-component model of stochastic fluctuations in
EAS, the transport theory in random media, the variational method of
interpolation of solutions of integro-differential equations and based on it
sensitivity analysis. Some of the results are used now in different codes of
processing of cosmic ray arrays data (in particular, in the code "CORSIKA"). His
second, Sc.D. thesis was titled "Concept of Stochastical Importance and its
Applications to Transport Problems" and defended at the meeting-point of two
sciences: Nuclear Physics and Geophysics.
In 1995, V.V.Uchaikin found a new scientific direction in Ulyanovsk State
University (Ulyanovsk, Russia): numerical simulation of stochastic fractals,
fractal diffusion and diffusion on fractals. He developed conception of
mesofractals applied to the large-scale structure of the Universe, calculated of
penetration of light in such structures, offered a new model of non-Debye
relaxation, investigated the new class of statistical distributions called
"fractional stable distributions" and a new class of random processes -
subordinated Levy motion, created the code for simulations of such distributions
and processes, investigated new regimes of anomalous diffusion, stated the
difference between fractal diffusion and diffusion on fractals. About 50
articles have been published in these direction including the book "CHANCE AND
STABILITY: Stable Distributions and their Applications" (V.V. Uchaikin and V.M.
Zolotarev, series Modern Probability and Statistics, VSP, Utrecht, 1999, 570
Main scientific papers (1997-2003)
- V. V. Uchaikin,
Fractal Walk and Walk on Fractal
Technical Physics,
49, No. 7, 927-932 (2004).
- V. V. Uchaikin,
The mesofractal Universe Driven by Raeleigh-Levy
Walks ,
General Relativity and Gravitation,
36, No. 7, 1689-1717 (2004).
- V. V. Uchaikin, D.A. Korobko,
Fractal Model of Transport:
Low-angle Approximation, ,
Technical Physics,
49, No. 5, 532-539 (2004).
- V. V. Uchaikin, R.T. Sibatov,
One-dimensional Fractal Walk
at a Finite Free Motion Velocity, ,
Tecnical Physics
30, No. 4, 316-318 (2004).
- V. V. Uchaikin,
Relaxation processes and fractional differential
International Journal of Theoretical Physics,
42, No. 1, 121-134 (2003).
- V. V. Uchaikin,
Anomalous Diffusion and Fractional Stable
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical
Physics, 97, No. 4, 810-825 (2003).
- V. V. Uchaikin,
Self-similar anomalous diffusion and Levy-stable
Physics-Uspekhi, 46 (8), (2003).
- A.A. Lagutin, V.V. Uchaikin,
Anomalous diffusion equation:
Application to cosmic ray transport,
Nuclear Instr. And Meth.
In Physics Researth B., p.212-216 (2003).
- V. V. Uchaikin and I. V. Yarovikova,
Numerical Solution of the
Time-Dependent Problem of Anomalous Finite-Velocity Diffusion by the Moment
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics,
43, No. 10, 1478 (2003)
- V.V.Uchaikin,
Monte-Carlo method for numerical investigations of
fractal kinetics,
CD-Disk XXIII Seminar on stability problems
for stochastic model, 2003.
- V.E. Bening, V. Yu. Korolev, V. N. Kolokoltsov, V.V. Saenko, V.V.
Uchaikin, V.M Zolotarev,
Estimation of Parameters of Fractional Stable
Nottingham Trent University Preprint
No.4/03 (Nottingham Trent University, 2003).
- V.V. Uchaikin, V.V. Saenko,
Stochastic solution to partial
differential equations of fractional orders,
Sibirian Journal
of Computational Mathematics, 6, ¹2, 197-203 (2003).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Subordinated Levy-Feldheim Motion as a Model of
Anomalous Self-Similar Diffusion,
Physica A 305,
205-208 (2002).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Multidimensional Symmetric Anomalous
J. Chem. Phys. 88, 1141-1155 (2002).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Anomalous Diffusion on a one-dimensional Fractal
Lorentz Gas with Trapping Atoms,
in: Emergent
Nature, Editor M. Novak, World Scientific, New Jersey, 411-421
- V.V. Uchaikin, V.V. Saenko,
On the Theory of Classic
J. Techn. Physics, 46, 139-146
- V. Kolokoltsov, V. Korolev and V. Uchaikin,
Fractional Stable
J. Math. Sciences, 105, 2569-2576
- A.A. Lagutin, Yu.A. Nikulin, V.V. Uchaikin,
The "Knee" in the
Primary Cosmic Ray Spectrum as Consequence of the Anomalous Diffusion of the
Particles in the Fractal Interstellar Medium,
Nuclear Physics
B 97, 267-270 (2001).
- V. Yu. Korolev, V. V. Uchaikin,
Some Limit Theorems for Compound
Renewal Processes with Heavy Tails,
Theory Probab. Appl.
45, 809-811 (2000).
- V.V. Uchaikin, V.V. Saenko,
Telegraph Equation in Random Walk
J. Physical Studies 4, 371-379 (2000).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Montroll-Weiss Problem, Fractional Equations and
Stable Distributions,
Intern. J. Theor Physics, 39,
2087-2105 (2000).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Small-Angle Multiple Scattering on a Fractal System
of Point Scatterers,
in: Paradigms of Complexity,
Editor M. Novak, World Scientific, Singapore, 41-49 (2000).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Subdiffusion and Stable Laws,
Exper. Theor. Physics, 88, 1155-1163 (1999).
- V.M. Zolotorev, V.V. Uchaikin, V.V. Saenko,
Superdiffusion and
Stable Laws,
J. Exper. Theor. Physics, 88, 780-787
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Evolution Equations for Levy Stable Processes,
Intern. J. Theor. Physics, 38, 2377-2388 (1999).
- V.V. Uchaikin, D.A. Korobko,
Theory of Multiple Scattering in a
Fractal Medium,
Techn. Physics Letters, 25, 6,
435-437 (1999).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Anomalous Transport Equations and their Application
to Fractal Walking,
Physica A 255/1-2, 65-92 (1998).
- V.V. Uchaikin, G.G. Gusarov, D.A. Korobko,
Fractal Properties of
Clusters Generated by Branching Processes,
J. Math. Sciences
92, 3940-3948 (1998).
- V.V. Uchaikin, D.A. Korobko,
On Existence of Non-Zero Mass Density
for Fractal Point-like Masses with a Power-Type Distribution,
J. Math. Sciences 92, 4008-4012 (1998).
- V.V.Uchaikin,
Renewal Theory for Anomalous Transport
J. Math. Sciences, 92, 4085-4096 (1998).
- V.V. Uchaikin, G.G. Gusarov, I.F. Gismjatov, V.A. Svetukhin,
Paired Levy-Mandelbrot Trajectory as a Homogeneous Fractal,
Intern. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 8, 977-984 (1998).
- V.A. Slobodenyuk, V.V. Uchaikin,
The Fractal Nature of the
Asymptotic Solution of Integral Equation with Stable (in Levy's sense)
J. Math. Sciences, 89, 1570-1575 (1998).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Anomalous Diffusion of Particles with a Finite
Free-Motion Velocity,
Theor. Math. Physics, 115,
496-501 (1998).
V.V. Uchaikin, G.G. Gusarov,
The Exactly Resolved Non-lattice
Model of Random Media Based on Markov Walks with a Stable Law for Jumps,
J. Math. Sciences, 83, 439-346 (1997).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Mathematical Modelling of the Distribution of
Galaxies in the Universe,
J. Math. Sciences, 84,
1175-1178 (1997).
- V.V. Uchaikin, G.G.Gusarov,
Levy Flight Applied to Random Media
J. Math. Physics, 38, 2453-2464 (1997).
- V.V. Uchaikin,
Similarity Relations for Space-Time Distributions
in Inclined EMC in Atmosphere,
Nuclear Physics B (Proc.
Suppl.), 52B, 149-151 (1997).
- A.A. Lagutin, Yu.A. Nikulin, V.A. Litvinov, V.V.
Sensitivity Theory in the Problem of Highest Energy EAS
Nucl. Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 52B,
158-160 (1997).
- V. Uchaikin and D. Korobko,
Global Mass Density for a Fractal
Model of the Universe,
Gravitation and Cosmology, 3,
323-327 (1997).
Main Monographs
- V.V. Uchaikin, V.M. Zolotarev,
Chance and Stability. Stable
Distributions and their Applications.
Netherlands, Utrecht, VSP,
- 570p. (1999).
- V.V.Uchaikin, A.A.Lagutin, V.A. Litvinov,
Sensitivity Theory in Cosmic Ray Physics.
Barnaul, Altaj State
University Press, (1995) (in Russian).
- V.V.Uchaikin, A.A.Lagutin,
The Stochastic
Moscow, Energoatomizdat (1993) (in Russian).
- V.V.Uchaikin, V.V.Ryzhov,
The Stochastic Theory of
High Energy Particle Transport,
Novosibirsk, Nauka, Siberian Branch
(1988) (in Russian).
- V.V. Uchaikin, A.V.Lappa,
Probabilistic Problems
in Transport theory,
Tomsk, Tomsk University Press (1978) (in
- A.M. Kolchuzhkin,V.V.Uchaikin.
Introduction into
the Theory of Particle Penetration through a Matter,
Atomizdat (1978) (in Russian).
Courses of lectures for
physicists given at present time
Theory of probability and mathematical
Mechanics of
Statistical physics
Fractional Calculus
with Applications
Courses of lectures for
physicists was given at previous time
Differential equations
Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
Electricity and Magnetism
Nuclear Physics
Theoretical Mechanics
Mechanics of
Statistical Physics
Field Theory
Random Processes
Scattering Theory
Interaction of
Radiation with Matter
Quantum Electrodynamics
Cosmic Ray
Transport Theory
Monte Carlo simulation
Prof. Vladimir V.
UCHAIKIN Ulyanovsk State University L.Tolstoy Str.,
42 Ulyanovsk 432700 Russia |
phone: 7(8422)
320612 fax: 7(8422) 329014 E-mail: uchaikin@sv.uven.ru |

departmant of theoretical and mathematical