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Operations Research Models and Methods
Computation Section

Stochastic Analysis

Discrete-Time Markov Chain

Continuous-Time Markov Chain


Stochastic Analysis


The Stochastic Analysis Add-in performs a wide range of computations associated with continuous time (Markov Process) and discrete time (Markov Chain) Markovian Stochastic Processes. When the add-in is installed, the items on the left are added to the OR_MS menu.

The add-in creates and analyzes either Markov Chain (DTMC) or Markov Process (CTMC) models. It is also called by the Stochastic Models add-in to construct models created by that add-in. Click on a link to the left to see illustrations of the two types.

The Relink buttons command recreates buttons on the worksheets. This is necessary to use a model constructed on a different computer.

Unit Markov Chain (DTMC)

Unit Markov Process (CTMC)

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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2001 - All rights reserved