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Operations Research Models and Methods

Excel Add-ins




Teach OR



ORMM Excel Add-ins

These are Excel add-in files (.xla). They are compressed and stored at this site with the (.zip) suffix. Download by clicking on the file name of the add-in in the left most column. The files may be expanded with the free Aladdin Expander. In 2004 a new zip program has been in use that causes add-ins to download in a separate folder. Remove the add-ins or archives from this folder before attempting to use them.

As the add-ins are improved and corrected, we update the versions on the web. The Date Modified entries below show the dates of the latest revisions. Click the Revisions link on the left to see the purpose of each revision. If you replace an add-in with a newer version, be sure to delete or change the name of the old version. Otherwise, Excel may link to the old version rather than the new.

The Add-in Name is the name that appears on the Excel Add-in window when the add-in is installed. The Archive at the bottom of the page contains the entire collection. Click on the word jensen.Lib to download the collection. The archive also includes the demonstration files.

Links are provided to the instructions for each add-in. Click on the add-in name or the leaf on the right to reach the instructions. Add-ins are not used like regular Excel workbook files. They must be installed through the add-in dialog on the tools menu or through Add ORMM. Review the General Instructions for loading add-ins.

File Name
Date Modified
Add-in Name



When called, this add-in lists all the ORMM add-ins that are in the same directory as the Add ORMM add-in. Add-ins are installed and removed with a simple click of a button. The add-in also loads demonstration files that illustrate the add-ins. To use this feature these files must be stored in a the same directory as the add-ins. See the instructions for details.


This add-in provides demonstrations of the other add-ins in the package, excluding the Teaching add-ins. To run a demonstration, both the Demonstration add-in and the subject add-in must be installed.


Do it Yourself
This is an Excel workbook, not an add-in, that includes subroutines and functions that have general value to a person who is interested in programming in VBA. It also provides a brief introduction to the VBA editor. Open by double clicking the workbook name.

Optimization Add-ins

Math Programming Models
The Mathematical Programming Add-in constructs linear programming, integer programming, nonlinear programming, network and transportation models that can be solved using the Excel Solver Add-in or one of the solution add-ins provided in this collection.

LP/IP Solver
This add-in provides algorithms to solve Linear and Integer Programming problems. It can be used instead of the Excel solver for the linear models created by the Mathematical Programming add-in. The mp_models add-in must be installed to use this add-in.

Network Solver
A network solution algorithm is provided by this add-in. Network algorithms are generally faster than linear programming algorithms for solving problems that can be modeled entirely as networks. The problem solves generalized networks and can handle models with integer restrictions. The mp_models add-in must be installed to use this add-in.

Many Excel worksheet models depend on a few design variables. Through formulas, the worksheet contents vary with the values of the design variables and the modeler uses the worksheet as a "what if" tool. It is often the goal to find the best values. This add-in provides combinatorial algorithms that search for the best values. In addition to stand-alone forms for general use, the add-in performs combinatorial search for math. programming models, the traveling salesman problem, permutations, spanning trees, shortest path trees and flow trees. The add-in has an option that provides multiple starting points for nonlinear programming models. Some of the ideas associated by global optimization are implemented. The add-in replaces the Enumeration add-in.

This add-in creates combinatorial models that use the search methods of the Optimize add-in. The add-in provides a model for the Quadratic Assignment, Minimal Spanning Tree, Shortest Path Tree, Sequencing and Routing problems. Other models will be added in the future. The Optimize add-in must be installed for the Combinatorics add-in to work.

This add-in performs operations on a function of continuous variables. The function may depend on many variables and be constructed of arbitrary combinations of Excel functions. The add-in uses numerical methods to compute the gradient and Hessian matrices (matrixes of first and second partial derivatives). It also computes integrals and moments. The add-in uses a gradient search method to find values of the variables that maximize or minimize the function.

Probability Add-ins

Random Variables
The Random Variables Add-in performs computations associated with probability distributions. Random variables with any of 16 different named distributions may be defined. Functions compute probabilities of events, inverse probabilities and moments. Complex problems may be solved through Monte-Carlo simulation.

Stochastic Models
This add-in builds models for stochastic processes. The models are symbolic in that formulas are entered for transitions, transition rates, transition probabilities and other relevant components of a stochastic process model. The Markov Chain or Markov Process model is constructed automatically. The models constructed are analyzed using the Stochastic Analysis described below.

Stochastic Analysis
This add-in performs a variety of computations associated with Markov Chains and Markov Processes including: economic analysis, steady state analysis, computation of n-step probabilities, simulation, computation of first passage probabilities and computation of absorbing state probabilities.

The Queuing Add-in computes steady-state measures associated with Poisson queuing models, non Markovian queues and networks of queues. Both open and closed Markovian queues are modeled. The program also simulates multiple channel queues using two methods, a discrete next-event simulation and an entity simulation. Optimization was added on 1/22/04.


Decision Analysis
This add-in constructs and analyzes decision trees. A tree is defined by decision, chance and terminal nodes. The tree is described by a network of nodes and arcs, and can be displayed graphically. Bayes' analysis is available. Utility functions represent the decision maker's attitude toward risk.


This add-in creates multiline simulations useful for analyzing a variety of systems that don't fit the model types handled by the other add-ins. The add-in builds and maintains worksheets on which simulations are easily built. Packaged models for time series simulation and inventory simulation are included. For most simulations, the RV add-in should also be installed.


Hurricane Tracking and Forecasting
This workbook tracks and forecasts hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico region. The download is an Excel workbook rather than an add-in, and it contains both sample data and the macros necessary to add new hurricanes, add position data as provided by the National Hurricane Center, make forecasts of future movement, plot data and forecasts on a map and construct an error analysis after the storm is over.


Jensen Library
This is the complete collection of ORMM, Teach OR and OM/IE add-ins. The archive also includes the the folder demo_xls. This folder includes all the demonstrations for the add-ins.



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tree roots

Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved