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Operations Research Models and Methods
Models Section
Teach Dynamic Programming Add-in
- Modeling with DP

The examples for this section are in the Teach DP demo (teachdpdem.xls). To solve or change the model you must have the Teach DP add-in loaded. Use the Relink buttons command to establish links to the worksheet buttons.


Problem Definition

Selecting the Model option from the menu presents the problem definition dialog shown below. Fields accept the problem name and relevant parameters. Clicking a button on the left selects one of the problem types built into the program. After entering data and pressing the OK button, a worksheet is created with the name specified in the dialog. Many ranges on the worksheet are given Excel names with the preface being the worksheet name, so that name should not be changed after the worksheet has been constructed.


In the greater part of the worksheet the program constructs the dynamic programming model consisting of the state and decision definitions and all of the other components listed in the text. We delay describing those features until later in the section and concentrate on the data structures for the various problem types. When a button is pressed to select a problem type, one of the buttons in the Objective area is selected as the default direction of optimization and the labels for the fields and checkboxes on the middle right of the dialog box are changed to reflect the problem type. The labels shown are those used for the knapsack problem. The default is to maximize the objective function. To change this, simply click on the Minimize button.

The three checkboxes at the lower right are common to all problem types. When checked, the Make Random Problem box fills in the data form with random numbers appropriate to the problem type. Of course, these may be changed. The Show Comments adds a small red label to some of the cells of the worksheet. Clicking on a label presents a description of the general purpose of the cell. The Include Bounds button modifies the worksheet to accept lower and upper bounds as described in Section 13.5 of the text.

Knapsack Problem

As shown in the dialog above,, the knapsack model has three numerical parameters: the number of items, the maximum number of each item that can be packed, and the number of resource constraints. We use the investment problem of Section 12.1 as an example. Pressing OK builds a data structure for the problem as shown below. When the Nonlinear box is checked a matrix of nonlinear item benefits is included on the worksheet. Otherwise only one row is provided for the linear return. Below the benefit area is a row holding the maximum number of each item. In the Resources area, a row is provided for each constraint.


Binary Knapsack

The dynamic programming model for the binary knapsack problem is presented in Table 6 and illustrated by Example 1 (references are to Chapter 12 of the textbook). The option automatically sets the maximum number of each item to 1 and disables the second data field. Of course the nonlinear option is not available in this case. The data form constructed on the worksheet is the same as for the linear knapsack problem.

Line Partitioning Problem

Clicking the "line" button builds a model for a 1-dimensional state space problem. The dialog in the figure shows the settings for the capacity expansion problem of Example 5. The data form field requires the user to enter either 0, 1, or 2. The number entered is roughly equivalent to the dimension of the data area set aside on the worksheet. No data area is created if 0 is entered. In this case, the user takes the responsibility for creating a data area; alternatively, model components may be computed with formulas not requiring data.

Capacity expansion costs

Entering a 1 in the data form field creates a one-dimensional area on the worksheet. The result is shown to the left, where the 1-dimensional area is used to hold the expansion costs for the capacity expansion problem. The interest rate in cell N9 is the rate used for present worth computations. This was placed on the worksheet as an additional data item. One of the benefits of using Excel is that data structures can be constructed by the user to hold problem specific information. Review of the workbook holding the examples for this chapter will show many examples of this.

The figure below illustrates the use of a type 2 data form. The objective function of the inventory problem of Example 6 has terms that depend on the starting time and the number of periods covered by a production run. The two-dimensional form starting at cell N12 is partially shown in the figure. It continues for 20 columns.

Segment costs for inventory problem

The entries in the cells are computed with formulas described in Section 12.3. They depend on the fixed, variable, and unit inventory costs shown in Column L. The author of the worksheet defined these cells. The formulas also require the period demands given in row 24. Again the user created and filled this data area. In general, the program creates data structures that are typical to the problem type. The user may add problem specific parameters and coefficients.


Unbounded Knapsack

The unbounded knapsack problem with one constraint has a single state variable representation similar to a line problem. With multiple constraints there are as many state variables as resources. The dialog on the left asks for the number of items and number of resources. The data structures are like those for the bounded knapsack problem except no maximum number range is provided. The data is for Example 7.


The grid problem is described in Section 12.5 and the data shown to the left is for Example 8. The checkbox indicates whether the model should include turn penalties. A problem such as Example 8 requires two 2-dimensional matrices to accept the data for both arcs directed vertically and for arcs directed to the right. Data form 2 constructs these matrices. For data form 1, 1-dimensional arrays are created. These might hold formulas or references to other data arrays


This problem describes a general shortest path network model on an acyclic graph, as discussed in Section 12. 5. The dialog calls for the construction of a network with 10 nodes and 20 arcs. The arc data structure (Data Form 1) is a list of arcs each with an origin node, a terminal node and a cost. The arcs are arbitrarily ordered. When a 2 is entered in the Data Form field 2, arc and node structures are constructed. The arc structure is as for Data Form 1, but the arcs must be listed in order of increasing origin node. Each node is represented by a set of arcs in a range of arc numbers. The node data structure provides for the beginning and ending arc index in the set identified for each node. Problems entered using Data From 2 can be solved more quickly.


Clicking the "sequence" button creates a model for the single-machine sequencing problem with tardiness penalties considered in 12.6. The data entered in the dialog is for Example 10. When the Data Form is set to 1, three 1-dimensional arrays are created for job time, date due, and unit penalty, respectively. When the Data Form is 2, a 2-dimensional array is constructed with job number identifying the row and number of days late specifying the column. The Max Time determines the number of columns. The matrix format allows the imposition of nonlinear late penalties. When the box at the lower left is checked, a matrix is constructed to impose precedence ordering between pairs of jobs. Such restrictions reduce the number of states.

Traveling Salesman

The traveling salesman problem considered in Section 12.6 corresponds to the TSP button. The data, illustrated in the dialog for Example 11, specifies the number of cities. When the Data Form is 1, two 1-dimensional arrays are created for the x and y coordinates of the cities. When the Data Form is 2, a 2-dimensional array is constructed to hold the costs (distances) between all pairs of cities. The check box allows for the construction of a matrix for the specification of precedence ordering.


Excel Model

A DP model uses states and decisions to describe a sequential decision process. A number of functional expressions define the beginning, middle and end of the process. A quantitative measure determines the costs and/or benefits of the process.

When using this DP add-in for Excel, the expressions describing the model must be placed into cells as Excel equations. All DP model information is placed in first few columns of the worksheet (the number of columns depends on the number of state variables and decision variables). Regions outside the model definition can be used to hold problem specific data or equations.

We show below the Excel worksheet for the Knapsack example. Areas colored light yellow hold equations or data required by the program during the solution process and should not be changed by the user. Ranges outlined in red hold Excel equations that describe the decision process. These equations can be entered by the user, but in the case below they are filled by the computer specifically to solve the knapsack problem. In the table below, we provide a brief description of each of the model areas. In the Build Your Own Model section, the formulas are described in greater detail.

The data in the yellow areas describe features of the model and the strategy for solution. The Solve button initiates the DP solution process.

The state vector holds the values of the state variables during the process. This area of the worksheet has no equations but the state cells are varied by the computer during the solution process. We have filled the state with the values (2, 6, 9) to illustrate the equations below.


The decision vector holds the values of the decision variables. We use the decision 1 (bring one of item 2) for illustration. In general, decisions are described by a vector, but the knapsack problem has only one decision variable.

The cells in row 26 hold equations that determine the feasibility of a particular decision. In this case, feasible decisions are within the range specified by Min and Max (0 to 2).


The Forward Transition Equations describe how the situation changes from one state to the next state when a decision is made. In this case a decision to bring one unit of item 2 results in a state change to (3, 12, 17).


The Backward Transition Equations move the decision process in the reverse direction. We have filled in the state (3, 12, 17). If the decision entering this state was 1, the previous state must have been (2, 6, 9).


In this area we provide the benefit function for a decision and the forward and backward recursive equations used for the solution of the DP.

The decision benefit is the unit benefit for item 2 times the number of items (6*1=6).

We explain the recursive equations later.


The process begins in an initial state. This region contains the logical expressions that identify an initial state. The given state (2, 6, 9) is not an initial state, so we see the value False in the fourth cell outlined in red.

For the example, the initial state must fall within the Min and Max bounds. The only initial state is (1, 0, 0)


The process ends in a final state. This region contains the logical expressions that identify a final state. The given state (2, 6, 9) is not a final state, so we see the value False in the fourth red square.

Again, the bounds determine the final state. In this case, any feasible state with the first value equal to 11 is a final state.


The process must pass only through feasible states. This region contains, logical expressions that determine state feasibility.

For the example, a feasible state falls within the bounds specified by Min and Max. The specified state is feasible.


This region provides string expressions for states and decisions. Expressions in the outlined cells construct meaningful statements that define an action. These are used in the presentation of the optimum solution.


Pressing the Solve button initiates the DP solution process. When it is complete, the output report above is generated.



This summary at the top of the page shows the number of states and tree entries and the computation times for the parts of the solution process.

States are stored in a tree structure that allows easy access to state information during the solution process.



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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved

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