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Operations Research Models and Methods
Subunit News
11/04/04: Significantly improved the Functions add-in
10/15/04: Added a new Functions add-in
9/30/04: Significant improvements to the Project Management add-in
9/24/04: Improved the Project management add-in and added instructions.
9/18/04: Added a new add-in on Project Management.
8/21/04: Added a new Instruction section with classes on Production Systems
8/18/04: Added problems for Economics/Finance in OM/IE Problems
8/16/04: Added Power Point presentations to OR Models class
8/11/04: Added a new Instruction section with classes on OR Models, Integer Programming and Network Flow Programming

8/5/04: Added a page on Historic Hurricanes

7/16/04: 21,000 visits to this page since 7/22/03. See the new Visit Counts page.

7/15/04 Multiperiod and Capacity portfolio optimization added to Portfolio add-in

6/29/04: A Hurricane Tracking and Forecasting workbook was added. The workbook includes both macros and data.
6/14/04 A Parametric Analysis feature was added to the Math Programming add-in
6/10/04 For some time prior to 6/10/04 the wrong version of the archived Jensen library has been downloading. Please download the latest version.
6/2/04 Markowitz portfolio optimization added to Portfolio add-in
5/30/04 The Portfolio add-in was created
5/24/04 Added Capital Budgeting with Risk feature
5/13/04 Variance added to Capital Budgeting
5/11/04: A Capital Budgeting feature added

4/15/04: A section on Forecasting Theory was added in OM/IE

3/28/04: ORMM Book wins award

3/27/04: A section on Inventory Theory was added in OM/IE3/20/04: Sections on Economics and Layout were added in OM/IE

3/4/2004: Moved Forecast to OM/IE collection. Separated OM/IE and ORMM add-in collections. Changed OM//IE and ORMM Control add-ins.

3/4/2004: A new index page for OM/IE was added.

Added a one-page summary for evaluating a project using the Economics add-in

3/1/04 Added graphical display of cash flows to the Economics add-in

2/21/04 Changed the Operations Management / Industrial Engineering add-ins to correct formatting errors observed in the Spanish version of Excel

2/19/04 Changed OR/IE to OM/IE to reflect Operations Management in the titles. Changed the relevant add-ins and discussions to accommodate the change.

2/17/04 Graphics added to the Optimize add-in. TSP added to Optimize.

2/10/04 Optimize add-in writeup revised

2/3/04: Sequencing and Routing added to the Combinatorial add-in

1/27/04: Optimization was added to Layout and Queue add-ins.

1/13/04: Minimal Spanning Tree and Shortest Path Tree added to the Combinatorial add-in

1/2/04. Added the new Combinatorial add-in with the Quadratic Assignment Problem

Replaced the Enumeration add-in with the Optimize add-in with several new combinatorial problems considered including MIP, TSP, spanning tree, path tree and flow tree on 12/20/03

Changed a number of add-ins to correct an error that may occur for non-english versions of Excel on 10/30/03. Download new add-ins from Excel Add-ins.

See the new Do it Yourself section on VBA added on 10/29/03

Traveling Salesman solution added to Enumeration add-in on 10/15/03

New Enumeration add-in on 10/7/03

Added new features to the Forecasting add-in with a page on Investments on 9/20/03

Modified Teach LP add-in on 9/18/03

Added pages to describe the Inventory add-in functions on 9/16/03

Added Seasonality to Forecasting add-in on 9/5/03

Benders' Algorithm added to Teach IP on 8/28/03

A Porfolio option is added to the Forecasting add-in on 8/27/03

A new Forecasting add-in was added on 8/25/03 - also an updated ORMM add-in

Closed Queuing Networks added to the Queuing add-in on 8/8/03

WIP models and Systems added to the Inventory add-in on 7/06/03

Stochastic models added to the Inventory add-in on 6/11/03

See the new Facility Layout add-in modified on 2/11/03.

Extensive Improvements were made to the Process Flow add-in on 1/1/2003.

Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2003 - All rights reserved

