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Operations Research Models and Methods
Operations Research Models

Stochastic Resources 2

The ORMM text and site contain a variety of resources for modeling with uncertainty and risk. Because of the large number of topics we have divided the list into two parts.

18 Simulation

  • 18.1 Nature and Motivation for Simulation
  • 18.2 Model Components
  • 18.3 Inverse Transformation Method for Generating Random Variates
  • 18.4 Simulating Complex Random Variables
  • 18.5 Discrete Event Dynamic Simulation
  • 18.6 Simulation of Inventory System
  • 18.7 Steps in a Simulation Study
  • 18.8 Implementation Issues
  • 18.9 Analysis of Simulation Output
  • 18.10 Assessment of Methodology
  • 18.11 Exercises
  • Bibliography

Supplements to Ch. 18

  • Statistics from Simulations


Simulation Problems

Simulation Add-in

Excel Data
Simulation 1
Simulation 2
Simulation 3
Simulation 4
Simulating a Random Variable (RV Add-in)
Simulating a Queue (Queue Add-in)
Simulating a DTMC (Stochastic Analysis Add-in)
Simulating a CTMC (Stochastic Analysis Add-in)
Decision Analysis

Supplement Ch. 23: Decision Analysis

Decision Analysis Add-in

Excel Data Decision Analysis Demo
Time Series and Forecasting

Supplement Ch. 22: Time Series and Forecasting

Forecasting Add-in

Excel Data Forecasting Demo

Excel Data

Hurricane Forecasting Workbook
Other Probability Models

Supplement Ch. 24: Game Theory

Supplement: Ch. 25 Inventory Theory

Inventory Analysis Add-in

Supplement Ch. 26: Reliability
Supplement Ch. 27: Stochastic Optimization


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Operations Research Models and Methods
by Paul A. Jensen
Copyright 2004 - All rights reserved